Meeting Committees Participants Buy AbstractsBook-CD Photo Gallery Topics Site Index Where, When Prizes Patronizer Works Presented Next Editions

Table of Contents, Site Index

  This is a digital Meeting, there is only one method to contact Meeting Committees, using . Here you can find the to which ask for news, will be then redirected by the Organising Committee toward the right person.

  1. Previous edition
  2. Home page, 2006 edition
  3. Meeting Committees
  4. Participant List
  5. Buy Abstract-Book and CD
  6. Meeting and Nemi Photo Gallery
  7. Prizes and Grants
  8. Topics
  9. Where, when
  10. Patronizers, Supports
  11. Works presented

2006: jan---183 hits, feb---1164 hits, mar---2599 hits, apr---1691 hits, may---1436 hits, jun---1953 hits, jul---1892 hits, aug---2158 hits, sep---3230 hits, oct---?? hits,

Rome University, La Sapienza
M.P.N. Sciences Faculty
Rome, Italy, Europe
CMA4CH, Chemometrics and Multivariate Analysis
applied to Cultural Heritage and Environment
in the even years of III millennium, 2006
Laurea Degree Course of Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation
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