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Microchemical Journal publish a Special Issue for CMA4CH 2006 (Volume 88, Issue 2, Pages 95-224, April 2008)


Nemi edition: lectures, contribute for Talk or Poster, Authors names

Opening Lecture, Cultural Heritage N. Gabrielli The Measurements in Art
Lecture: Environmental L. Campanella The Quality of the Measurements and the Quality of Life
Lecture: Chemometrics E. Marengo Chemometrics as a Tool Investigating Environment and Cultural Heritage Problems
Lecture, Formation G. E. Gigante The Formation of Scientific Experts and Restaurateurs in Italy and in the Word
Preface G. Visco Preface at Abstract Book and Acknowledgements


Talk and Poster table

First author, coworkers; affiliation; country
(Authors list)
Title Poster
or Oral
F. Modugno, E. Ribechini, M.P. Colombini, M. Calderisi;
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry;
Pisa University
Analysis of Triterpenoid Resinous Materials by Direct Exposure Electron Ionization Mass Spectrometry (DE-MS): PCA Evaluation of Mass Spectral Data O A C.H. none
L. Trizio, P. Bruno, M. Caselli, G. de Gennaro;
Chemistry Dep.;
Bari University
Development of Intelligent Systems with Predictive Capability for the Elaboration of Environmental Data P A chemo none
F. Modugno, E. Ribechini, M. Calderisi;
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry;
Pisa University
Analysis of Lignin from Archaeological Waterlogged Woods by Direct Exposure Mass Spectrometry (DE-MS) and PCA Evaluation of Mass Spectral Data P A C.H. none
P. Fermo, E. Delnevo, M. Lasagni, S. Polla, M. de Vos;
Milan University
Application of Chemical and Chemometric Analytical Techniques to the Study of Ancient Ceramics from Dougga (Tunisia) O A C.H. none
B. Giussani, D. Monticelli, A. Pozzi, C. Dossi, E. Ciceri;
University of Insubria
Como, Italy
Two and Three Way Principal Component Analysis of Environmental Data From Lake Como Basin and Watershed O A envir none
R. Checa, E. Manzano, L.R. Rodríguez-Simón, L.F. Capitan-Vallvey;
Dep. of Analytical Chemistry, Dep. of Restoration, Lab. Central de Veterianria;
University of Granada, Ministiero de Agricultura, Granada, Spain.
Comparison Between Traditional and Pattern Recognition (SIMCA) Strategies in Classification of Old Proteinaceous Binders O A C.H. none
M. Calderisi, A. Livio, D. Frustace, G. Valentini, A. Cecchi.;
ARCHA S.r.l. Laboratory, Ospedaletto;
Pisa, Italy.
New Multivariate Approach for the Handling of Electronic Nose Date Applied to Composting Process O A envir none
A. Baklanov, S. Zilitinkevich;
Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark; University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland;
Denmark, Finland.
Urban Air Quality Information and Forecasting Systems for Saving of Cultural Heritage O A envir none
E. Robotti, E. Marengo, M. Bobba, A. Panepinto;
University of Eastern Piedmont, Alessandria;
Monitoring of the Surface of Paper Samples Exposed to UV Light by ATR-FT-IR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Control Charts O A C.H. none
E. Vuerich, F. Malaspina, M. Barazzutti, T. Georgiadis, M. Nardino;
IBIMET- Bologna CNR; Universita' Europea di Roma, Master Scienze Ambientali, Rome;
In-door Measurements of Ozone, Ion Concentrations, Microclimate Variables in the Monastero of San Vincenzo's Church (Bassano Romano-Italy) O A C.H. none
H. Khajehsharifi, G. Vatankhah, M.F. Mousavi;
Yasouj University, Yasouj; The Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan; Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran;
Determination of Sulphite Ions Using a Whole Curve of Kinetic Run and a Fixed Time Method and Applying Partial-Least Squares O A C.H. none
M.I. Dias, M.I. Prudêncio;
Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, EN 10;
Sacavém, Portugal.
On the Importance of Using Sc to Normalize Geochemical Data Previous to Multivariate Analyses Applied to Archaeometric Pottery Studies O A C.H. none
C. Coluzza, A.L. De Rosa, D. Ferro, G. Piantanida, R. Reale, E. Formigli, L. Bondioli, M. Bicchieri;
"La Sapienza" University, Rome, Italy; ANTEA, Murlo (Siena), Italy; "Luigi Pigorini" Museum, Rome, Italy; 4ICPL, Rome, Italy;
Surface Physics Applied to Cultural Heritage O A C.H. none
P. Ballirano, R. Caminiti, C. Sadun, G. Caracciolo;
Dep. of Earth Sciences, Chemistry Dep.; Rome University, La Sapienza
The Use of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction for the Investigation of the Structural and Compositional Features of Old and Modern Papers O A C.H. none
M.I. Prudêncio, M.I. Dias, F. Ruiz, M. Abad;
Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, EN 10, Sacavém, Portugal; Dep. Geodinámica y Paleontología, Huelva University, Spain;
Portugal, Spain.
Multivariate Analysis Contribution to Evaluate Anthropogenic Inputs of Chemical Elements in Lagoon Sediments O A envir none
P. Avino, G. Capannesi, A. Rosada;
DIPIA-ISPESL; UTS-Materiali, ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia;
Rome, Italy.
Heavy Metals Determinations in Atmospheric Particulate Matter by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis O A envir none
P. Barbieri, P. Busetto, L. di Monte, P. Plossi;
Chemistry Department, Trieste University; Funzione Ecologia e VIA - Provincia di Trieste;
Trieste, Italy.
How Useful Classical Chemometrical Approaches Can Be In Environmental Assessment? A Case Study About Source Identification for Dioxins and Furans in an Urban-Industrial Coastal Area O A envir none
F. Marini, R. Bucci, A.L. Magri', A.D. Magri';
Rome University, La Sapienza
Rome, Italy
Artificial Neural Networks in Chemometrics: History, Examples and Perspectives O A chemo none
F. Bellanti, M. Tomassetti, G. Visco and L. Campanella;
Rome University, La Sapienza
Rome, Italy
A Chemometrics Approach to the Historical and Geographical Characterisation of Different Terracotta Finds O A chemo none
S.H. Plattner, L. Campanella, O. Colacicchi, M. Ferretti;
Rome University, La Sapienza; Archaeological Superintendency of Rome; CNR-ITABC, National Research Council;
Rome, Italy
The Corrosion of Archaeological Copper Alloys. The Case Study of a Coin Hoard From the Tenuta Radicicoli-del Bene, Rome P A C.H. none
G. Visco, E. Gregori, M. Tomassetti, L. Campanella;
Chemistry Dep.; Rome University, La Sapienza
Rome, Italy
Counterfeit on Roman Imperial Statue: Pattern Recognition Helps Diagnostic Performed with ICP and TG of a Torso and a Head of One Marble Sculpture O A chemo none
R. Cesareo, G.E. Gigante, G. Guida, S. Ridolfi;
Dept. of Mathematics and Physics, University of Sassari; Rome University, La Sapienza;
Istituto Centrale del Restauro;
Synergy Between Non Invasive Measurements and Multivariate Analysis in Cultural Heritage O A C.H. none
T. Trafela, M. Strlic, J. Kolar, D.A. Lichtblau, M. Anders, G. de Bruin, B. Knight, G. Martin, J. Palm, N. Selmani, M. Chr. Christensen;
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; National and University Library of Slovenia; Zentrum für Bucherhaltung GmbH, Germany; Het Nationaal Archief, The Netherlands; The British Library, U.K.; Victoria and Albert Museum, U.K.; Riksarkivet, Sweden; State Archives of Dubrovnik, Croatia; National Museum of Denmark
SurveNIR Project: A New Non-Destructive Tool For Surveying Paper Collections P A C.H. none
M.P. Sammartino, F. Bellanti, M. Castrucci, D. Ruiu, G. Visco, T. Zoccarato;
Chemistry Dep.; Rome University, La Sapienza
Rome, Italy
Ecopharmacology: the Deliberated or Casual Dispersion of Pharmaceutical Principles, Phytosanitary, Personal Health Care and Veterinary Products in Environment Needs a Multivariate Analysis or an Expert Systems for the Control, the Measure and the Remediation. P A envir none
G. Dogan, S. Atgin, A. Zararsiz, R. Kirmaz, G. Tuncel;
Middle East Technical University;
Turkish Atomic Energy Agency, Ankara, Turkey.
Source Contributions to Sediment Trace Element Levels in Izmir Bay (Turkey) P A envir. none
F. Cecere, A. Carraro, D. Ferro, G. Visco;
Rome University, La Sapienza; Archaeological Superintendence of Etruria Meridionale;CNR Institute of Nanomaterials Study.
Individuation of Characteristic Parameters of "Glass Paste" of Meridional Etruria by the Use of Scientific Methodologies O A C.H. none
G. de Gennaro, P. Ielpo, P. Bruno, M. Caselli, V. Paolillo, B.E. Daresta, C.M. Placentino, P.R. Dambruoso, L. Trizio;
Department of Chemistry, University of Bari;
Bari, Italy.
Application of Receptor Models to PM10 and PM2.5 Samples O A envir none
G. Dogan, G. Güllü, G. Tuncel;
Middle East Technical University;
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
Sources and Source Regions Effecting the Aerosol Composition of the Eastern Mediterranean O A envir none
G.R. Casale, A.M. Siani, S. Palmieri, L. Campanella;
Departmentn of Physics, Department of Chemistry, Rome University, La sapienza;
Rome, Italy.
Spectral Changes of Paper Exposed to Ambient Solar Radiation O A C.H. none
F.S. Panero, H.E.B. Silva;
Dep. of Physics, Dep. of Chemistry, University Federal de Roraima;
Boa Vista, Brasil.
Application of Exploratory Data Analysis: HCA and PCA in the Classification of Tubular Wells of the North of Brazil O A envir none
E. Robotti, E. Marengo, M.C. Gennaro, A. Maiocchi, G. Pavese, A. Indaco;
University of Eastern Piedmont, Alessandria; Bracco SPA, Milan; ARPA, Alessandria;
Statistical Analysis of Ground Water Table Distribution in Alessandria Province (Piedmont - Italy) P A envir none
A. Macchia, M.P. Sammartino, M. Laurenzi Tabasso, G. Visco;
Italian Association of Experts in Diagnostic Applied to Cultural Heritage (AIEDABC); Rome University "La Sapienza"; Contract Professor in the Cultural Heritage Degree Course, Rome University, Italy.
SEM/EDS Analysis of Incrustations Coming From the "Fontana delle Tartarughe" (Turtles Fountain) Located in Rome, Italy O A C.H. none

Received= submitted to Meeting organisation before the registration.


  119 Author names in alphabetic list.

M. Anders, Germany ; S. Atgin, Turkey ; P. Avino, Italy ; A. Baklanov, Denmark ; P. Ballirano, Italy ; M. Barazzutti, Italy ; P. Barbieri, Italy ; F. Bellanti, Italy ; M. Bicchieri, Italy ; M. Bobba, Italy ; L. Bondioli, Italy ; P. Bruno, Italy ; R. Bucci, Italy ; P. Busetto, Italy ; M. Calderisi, Italy ; R. Caminiti, Italy ; L. Campanella, Italy ; G. Capannesi, Italy ; L.F. Capitan-Vallvey, Spain ; G. Caracciolo, Italy ; A. Carraro, Italy ; G.R. Casale, Italy ; M. Caselli, Italy ; M. Castrucci, Italy ; A. Cecchi, Italy ; F. Cecere, Italy ; R. Cesareo, Italy ; R. Checa, Spain ; M. Chr. Christensen, Denmark ; E. Ciceri, Italy ; O. Colacicchi, Italy ; M.P. Colombini, Italy ; C. Coluzza, Italy ; P.R. Dambruoso, Italy ; B.E. Daresta, Italy ; G. de Bruin, Netherlands ; G. de Gennaro, Italy ; M. de Vos, Italy ; E. Delnevo, Italy ; A. L. De Rosa, Italy ; L. di Monte, Italy ; M.I. Dias, Portugal ; G. Dogan, Turkey ; C. Dossi, Italy ; P. Fermo, Italy ; M. Ferretti, Italy ; D. Ferro, Italy ; E. Formigli, Italy ; D. Frustace, Italy ; N. Gabrielli, Italy ; M.C. Gennaro, Italy ; T. Georgiadis, Italy ; G.E. Gigante, Italy ; B. Giussani, Italy ; E. Gregori, Italy ; G. Guida, Italy ; G. Güllü, Turkey ; P. Ielpo, Italy ; A. Indaco, Italy ; H. Khajehsharifi, Iran ; R. Kirmaz , Turkey ; B. Knight, United Kingdom ; J. Kolar, Slovenia ; M. Lasagni, Italy ; M. Laurenzi Tabasso, Italy ; D.A. Lichtblau, Germany ; A. Livio, Italy ; A. Macchia, Italy ; A.L. Magri', Italy ; A.D. Magri', Italy ; A. Maiocchi, Italy ; F. Malaspina, Italy ; E. Manzano, Spain ; E. Marengo, Italy ; F. Marini, Italy ; G. Martin, United Kingdom ; F. Modugno, Italy ; D. Monticelli, Italy ; M.F. Mousavi, Italy ; M. Nardino, Italy ; J. Palm, Sweden ; S. Palmieri, Italy ; A. Panepinto, Italy ; F.S. Panero, Italy ; V. Paolillo, Italy ; G. Pavese, Italy ; G. Piantanida, Italy ; C.M. Placentino, Italy ; S. Plattner, Italy ; P. Plossi, Italy ; S. Polla, Italy ; A. Pozzi, Italy ; M.I. Prudêncio, Portugal ; R. Reale, Italy ; E. Ribechini, Italy ; S. Ridolfi, Italy ; E. Robotti, Italy ; L.R. Rodríguez-Simón, Spain ; A. Rosada, Italy ; D. Ruiu, Italy ; F. Ruiz, Spain ; C. Sadun, Italy ; M.P. Sammartino, Italy ; M. Santos, Spain ; N. Selmani, Croatia ; A.M. Siani, Italy ; H.E.B. Silva, Italy ; M. Strlic, Slovenia ; M. Tomassetti, Italy ; T. Trafela, Slovenia ; L. Trizio, Italy ; G. Tuncel, Turkey ; G. Valentini, Italy ; G. Vatankhah ; G. Visco, Italy ; E. Vuerich, Italy ; A. Zararsiz, Turkey ; S. Zilitinkevich, Finland ; T. Zoccarato, Italy ;

Rome University, La Sapienza
M.P.N. Sciences Faculty
Rome, Italy, Europe
CMA4CH, Chemometrics and Multivariate Analysis
applied to Cultural Heritage and Environment
in the even years of III millennium, 2006
Laurea Degree Course of Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation
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