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Buy Abstract Book and CD

Scientific programme

  The time scheduling of presentations, poster and social events are available in this .PDF file (~100 KBytes with inside authors, affiliations, titles, lectures, posters).

Virtual Meeting, obtain the CD and abstract book

  Many congresses and meetings represent a switch point in a given discipline but unfortunately after a few times it is not more possible to recover both the single interventions and the whole presentations more interesting for summarize the changes.

  Today the information society produces a rapid circulation of the ideas but also a precocious oblivion (T. Davies, 2002) of the knowledge.

  To leave trace of this Meeting every presenter (first author) is asked to send a short Curriculum Vitae, a photo, the long abstract in electronic format and the presentation in electronic format, everything with the authorisation to collect them in a book.

  To oppose, partly, the oblivion we intend to produce a virtual meeting with the list of the presentations and the authors always online and, at the end of the meeting, the book of the abstracts (ISBN= 88-548-0765-6), peer reviewed, and a CD with all the presentations (Posters and Oral presentations) in full text with curricula and photo gallery. After the meeting, for the not participants, the book-CD will be available at the reproduction cost and shipment (ask our delegate Travel and Services agency for shipment fee and payment method).

CMA4CH 2006, prices (euro) before 4 Oct. 2006 after 4 Oct. 2006
one copy of Abstracts Book and Meeting CD* 25.00 35.00
one copy of Abstracts Book and Meeting CD, with meeting support (for prizes, grants, Dev. Country, young, etc.) 40.00 50.00

  The price overload will be used to repay the cost of, in order, 1) a foundation of the prizes for best poster-presentation reserved to young authors (we think euro 200.00) in 2008 edition, 2) a repayment of the cost of the reduced fee for the young scientists registration in 2008 edition, 3) a repayment of the cost of the reduced fee for scientist coming from D.C.

  Many, many thanks to the voluntary supporter.

* Also you can buy the Book directly from the editor (Aracne edition) but with no CD of full text presentations.

Rome University, La Sapienza
M.P.N. Sciences Faculty
Rome, Italy, Europe
CMA4CH, Chemometrics and Multivariate Analysis
applied to Cultural Heritage and Environment
in the even years of III millennium, 2006
Laurea Degree Course of Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation
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