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Prizes, Grants

Established prizes:
  1. Best CMA4CH 2006 presentation. The famous Software House CAMO offer for the best presentation (oral or poster) one three years full licence of the last version of Unscrambler, many thanks;
  2. Environment, young researcher. The Environment and Cultural Heritage Division of Italian Chemical Society supports this prize (250 euro each) for the best presentation (oral/poster) by young researchers (up to 30 years old). In the proposed paper, the young researcher's must be the first author and must furnish a basic contribute to work subtended the presentation;
  3. Chemometry, young researcher. Also for best young presentation in Chemometry field the CAMO Software AS, Nedre Vollgate 8, Oslo, Norway offer the one years educational licence of Unscrambler;
  4. Cultural Heritage, young researcher. This prize is supported also by the Environment and Cultural Heritage Division of Italian Chemical Society, same amount, for the best presentation (oral/poster) on Environment.
  1. Three of young researchers obtain a grant from Organisation. The very small available founds permit only "one night free of charge" in Meeting Hotel, unfortunately.
  2. For 2008 edition we hope to obtain founds from Sponsor or Voluntary to established larger grants!
Prizes rules

  The awarding of the best presentation in the sector of the cultural good and in the environmental sector as well as the delivery of the diplomas to the authors (the young must be FIRST NAME) is due for the afternoon of Tuesday, just before the posters discussion.

  The prize party is opened to all the participants and partly financed by the division "environment and cultural heritage" of SCI.

  Event photos will be available on the site of Meeting up to when this will exist.

  An International Commission selects the four prizes. The Commission is composed by "not italian" authors. A single rules for the Commission is .... not voting for coworkers.

prizes commission
The Prizes Commission

 The prizes commission are composed by PhD Ramon Checa-Moreno, actually at Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Spain and Prof. Maria Isabel Prudêncio, actually responsible for the Cultural Heritage and Sciences Group at Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, Portugal

vuerich prize
Best overall presentation

 The winner is Dr. E. Vuerich with: E. Vuerich, F. Malaspina, M. Barazzutti, T. Georgiadis, M. Nardino; "In-door Measurements of Ozone, Ion Concentrations, Microclimate Variables in the Monastero of San Vincenzo's Church (Bassano Romano-Italy)"
 In the photo we can see, from left to right, the Vice-Major of Nemi City, MP Sammartino, E. Vuerich, R. Checa, L. Campanella, M.I. Prudêncio, the young researcher F.S. Panero, and the back of Prof. M. Caselli.

robotti prize
Best young, environment

 The winner is E. Robotti with: E. Robotti, E. Marengo, M.C. Gennaro, A. Maiocchi, G. Pavese, A. Indaco; "Statistical Analysis of Ground Water Table Distribution in Alessandria Province (Piedmont - Italy)"
 In the photo we can see, from left to right, R. Checa, E. Robotti, M.I. Prudêncio.

trafela prize
Best young, cultural heritage

 The winner is T. Trafela with: T. Trafela, M. Strlic, J. Kolar, D.A. Lichtblau, M. Anders, G. de Bruin, B. Knight, G. Martin, J. Palm, N. Selmani, M. Chr. Christensen; "SurveNIR Project: A New Non-Destructive Tool For Surveying Paper Collections"
 In the photo we can see, from left to right, R. Checa, T. Trafela, M.I. Prudêncio.

marini prize
Best young, chemometrics

 The winner is F. Marini with: F. Marini, R. Bucci, A.L. Magri', A.D. Magri'; "Artificial Neural Networks in Chemometrics: History, Examples and Perspectives"
 In the photo we can see, from left to right, R. Checa, F. Marini, M.I. Prudêncio.

Rome University, La Sapienza
M.P.N. Sciences Faculty
Rome, Italy, Europe
CMA4CH, Chemometrics and Multivariate Analysis
applied to Cultural Heritage and Environment
in the even years of III millennium, 2006
Laurea Degree Course of Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation
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