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Meeting Committees


  Primary aims of the committees job must be: a) the control of the scientific quality of the contributions, b) their widest diffusion, c) the careful organisation allowing at the largest number of researchers of participating in active or as audience.

Scientific Committee

  The Scientific Committee of the CMA4CH 2006, Chemometrics and Multivariate Analysis applied to Cultural Heritage and Environment is composed of honourable scientists of many different countries. They represent the three main meeting lines (theoretical, application to environment, application to cultural heritage), but each of them has competence in all the three main topics.

Organising Committee

  The Organising Committee is principally formed by chemists and scientists and not by "specialised organiser". Excuse us if something should not go in the right direction in this preparation of the meeting. In the next one, that we would probably like to keep in 2008 on a Latio island, we will surely do better.

Meeting Secretariat

  The Meeting secretary actually does not exist ..... You must refer to the appropriate web page for the registration. If you should need anything, please contact our Organising Committee by Email.

Rome University, La Sapienza
M.P.N. Sciences Faculty
Rome, Italy, Europe
CMA4CH, Chemometrics and Multivariate Analysis
applied to Cultural Heritage and Environment
in the even years of III millennium, 2006
Laurea Degree Course of Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation
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