Convegni, seminari, corsi, meetings frequentati

Partecipazione a congresso, relazioni presentate

  In ordine cronologico inverso sono presentate le piu' significative partecipazioni a congresso in cui il sottoscritto ha presentato sia poster sia relazioni orali.

  Per diminuire la dimensione dei file e facilitare il trasferimento i poster e le relazioni, seppur complete, non sono presenti alla massima risoluzione possibile. Comunque sempre leggibili e fruibili.

best Oral Communications and/or Posters shown at congresses and meetings
campobasso 2023
Sunlight Spectrum Change in the Presence of Plastics in Water Bodies
Giovanni Visco, Maria Luisa Astolfi, Pasquale Avino, Maria Pia Sammartino

Available: the Poster in B0 paper format .PDF (version 1.7)
campobasso 2023
Microplastics in Rome's Rainwater
Luca Ugo Fontanella, Stefano Perrone, Giovanni Visco, Maria Pia Sammartino

Available: the Poster in B0 paper format .PDF (version 1.7)
roma 2022 The First Symposium for YouNg Chemists: Innovation and Sustainability (SYNC2022)
Roma, 20-23 Giugno 2022
Chemical-physical diagnostics propaedeutic to the conservative restoration of the Cippus Funebris of Quinto Cornelio Procliano
Emanuele Dell'Aglio, Maria Luisa Astolfi, Maria Pia Sammartino, Marco Castracane, Giovanni Visco, Luigi Campanella

Available: the Poster in B1 paper format .PDF (version 1.6)
roma 2022 The First Symposium for YouNg Chemists: Innovation and Sustainability (SYNC2022)
Roma, 20-23 Giugno 2022
Continuous on-site monitoring of water conductivity/temperature with a homemade Open-Source, Arduino-based instrument useful for education and research
Luca U. Fontanella, Giovanni Visco, Mauro Tomassetti, Maria Pia Sammartino, Roberta Curini

Available: the Poster in B1 paper format .PDF (version 1.6)
bari2019 XXVIII Congress of the Analytical Chemistry Division
22 - 26 September 2019
Bari, Italy
Investigation on Urban Rain Pollution, a Case of Study: Rain Over Rome
Maria Pia Sammartino, Giovanni Visco, Mauro Tomassetti, Luca Ugo Fontanella

Available: the Poster in A0 paper format .PDF (version 1.6)
chem2019 Convegno Giovani Ricercatori 2019
VIII edition, Chemistry Department
Rome, Italy, 25-26 June 2019
A Didactic First Approach to Electrochemistry and Electronics: a Low Cost Apparatus for Conductivity Measures Based on Arduino and a Hand-Made Cell
E. Dell'Aglio, G. Visco, R. Reale, L.U. Fontanella and M.P. Sammartino

Available: the Poster in B1 paper format .PDF (version 1.5)
ISS2018 Health and Climate Change 2018
First Scientific Symposium
Rome, Italy, 3-5 December 2018
Are Climate Changes to be Attributed Only to Greenhouse Gases? A Possible Role of Plastics
G. Visco, E. Dell'Aglio, C. Giannattasio and M.P. Sammartino

Available: the Poster in C0 paper format .PDF (version 1.5)
Lincei18 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
XVIII Giornata dell'Acqua: La Previsione Idrogeologica sulla Risorsa Acqua
Rome, Italy, 22 March 2018
Groundwater drainage pattern of the Roman Forum, geological framing and physical chemical analysis by on site measures, ion chromatography, UV-Vis spectrometry
G. Visco, M. Maggi, E. Dell'Aglio, P. Fortini, G. Testa, P.G. Agostinucci and M.P. Sammartino

Available: the Poster in C0 paper format .PDF (version 1.5)
Lincei17a Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
XXXV Giornata dell'Ambiente: Cambiamenti e Crisi nel Mediterraneo
Rome, Italy, 17 October 2017
Spring waters and the birth of a civilization, Sacred Waters of Roman Forum, physical chemical analysis of the sources in the III Millennium, a training study
E. Cipriano, A. Dagostino, P. Fortini, G. Visco and M.P. Sammartino

Available: the Poster in B1 paper format .PDF (version 1.4)
Sixth Meeting: straightforward approach in Cultural Heritage and Environment studies - Multivariate Analysis and Chemometry
Rome, Italy, 18-19 December 2016
Cluster Analysis to Discover Similarity Among Bricks for Restoration and Original Roman Age Bricks
A. Peduzzi, E. Dell'Aglio, G. Visco, M.P. Sammartino

Available: long abstract & B1 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.4)
Lincei16 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
XVI Giornata Mondiale dell'Acqua: Inquinamento Antropico di Acque e Suoli in Italia
Rome, Italy, 21 March 2016
Preliminary study on the sacred, hidden, water source inside the Basilica Ulpia in Roman Forum
G. Testa, P.G. Agostinucci, G. Visco and M.P. Sammartino

Available: the Poster in B1 paper format .PDF (version 1.3)
Fifth Meeting: Employ of Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics in Environment and Cultural Heritage Fields
Rome, Italy, 14-17 December 2014
Physico-chemical, Colorimetric and Mineralogical Characterization of a Plaster Sample Coming from "Palazzo Governi", Cagliari (Italy)
C. Genova, G. Visco, M.P. Sammartino, G. Cau

Available: long abstract & B1 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2)
Fifth Meeting: Employ of Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics in Environment and Cultural Heritage Fields
Rome, Italy, 14-17 December 2014
First Tentative of Characterisation of Stratum Outcropping Inside the Roman Baths of Palazzo Valentini in Rome
C. Silvestri, L. Di Luga, G. Visco, M.P. Sammartino, P. Baldassarri

Available: long abstract & B1 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2)
Taormina10 Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Thrid Meeting: Application of Multivariate Analysis and Chemometry to Cultural Heritage and Environment
Taormina, Italy, 26-29 September 2010
Study of Photostability of Finasteride, Diclofenac and Naproxen Through Exposure of Simulated Sunlight and Evaluation of Packaging Photoprotection of These Drugs
D. Ruiu, M. Castrucci, F. Bellanti, G. Visco, L. Campanella

Available: long abstract & B1 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2)
Taormina10 Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Thrid Meeting: Application of Multivariate Analysis and Chemometry to Cultural Heritage and Environment
Taormina, Italy, 26-29 September 2010
Washing and Cleaning of Ancient Coins, an Alternative Method Using Ultrasound and Chemometry
G. Visco, S.H. Plattner, R. Reale and M.P. Sammartino

Available: long abstract & B1 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2)
Sorrento09 Societa' Chimica Italiana, XXIII Congresso Nazionale
Sorrento, Italy, 5-10 July 2009
Comparison of an inexpensive photodegradation system with high performance oxidation process
L. Campanella, M. Castrucci, S. Plattner, M.P. Antic, G. Visco

Available: long abstract & B1 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.3), 883.892 Bytes
Ventotene08 Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Second Meeting: Multivariate Analysis and Chemometry for Cultural Heritage and Environment
Ventotene Island, Italy, 1-4 June 2008
Comparison of Catalytic Efficiency of Some Industrial Nanosized Titanium Dioxides in Heterogeneous Photodegradation by Chemometric Analysis
F. Bellanti, M. Castrucci, D. Ruiu, G. Visco, L. Campanella

Available: long abstract & B1 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2), 556.936 Bytes
CS2007 Conservation Science 2007
Milan, Italy, 11-12 May 2007
Mediterranean marble identification by chemical instrumental and chemometric methods
G. Visco, F. Bellanti, L. Campanella, E. Gregori, M. Tomassetti

Available: long abstract & B1 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2), yyy.xyx Bytes
sci06 XXII Congresso Nazionale della Societa' Chimica Italiana
Firenze, Italy, 10-15 Settembre 2006
Confronto tra metodi diversi di fotoossidazione catalizzata da TiO2 per l'abbattimento di inquinanti
G. Visco, F. Bellanti, M. Castrucci, F. Borzetti, L. Campanella

Available: abstract & B1 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2), 556.929 Bytes
Nemi06 Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
First Meeting: Chemometrics and Multivariate Analysis applied to Cultural Heritage and Environment
Nemi (RM), Italy, 2-4 October 2006
Ecopharmacology: the Deliberated or Casual Dispersion of Pharmaceutical Principles, Phytosanitary, Personal Health Care and Veterinary Products in Environment Needs a Multivariate Analysis or an Expert Systems for the Control, the Measure and the Remediation
M.P. Sammartino, G. Visco, F. Bellanti, M. Castrucci, D. Ruiu, T. Zoccarato

Available: abstract & A0-->A3 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2), 694.150 Bytes
Cagliari05 XIX Congresso di Chimica Analitica
Universita' degli Studi di Cagliari, Centro Polaris, Pula (CA), Italy, 11-15 Settembre 2005
La Spettrofotometria UV/Vis nel Monitoraggio della Fotodegradazione Mediante Catalisi Combinata UV/Biossido di Titanio/Microonde di Farmaci Smaltiti
G. Visco, F. Bellanti, M. Castrucci, C. Costanza, R. Dragone and L. Campanella

Available: abstract & 70x100 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2), 295.985 Bytes
Rimini05 9° Italian Congress on Environment and Cultural Heritage Chemistry Division
Bologna-Rimini, Italy, Europe, 8-9 September 2005
Sviluppo Di Uno Strumento, Funzionante A Temperatura Ambiente, Per La Misura Del TOC Con Sensore Costituito Da Un Eelettrodo A CO2 Gas Permeabile
G. Visco, T. Zoccarato and L. Campanella

Available: abstract & 70x100 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2), 1.298.828 Bytes
Bologna05 10° EuCheMS-DCE International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment
Bologna-Rimini, Italy, Europe, 4-7 September 2005
Heterogeneous Photocatalysis Degradation of Wasted Drugs in Water Matrix by Combined UV/Vis/Microwave
G. Visco, F. Bellanti, M. Castrucci, C. Costanza and L. Campanella

Available: abstract & 70x100 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2), 969.926 Bytes
Napoli05 32° Congresso Nazionale della Societa' Italiana di Farmacologia
Napoli, Italy, Europe, 1-4 Giugno 2005
Photodegradation of Drugs in Wastewater, Comparative Correlated Recalcitrance Analysis and Related Problems
G. Visco, M. Ricci, F. Bellanti, M, Castrucci & L. Campanella

Available: abstract & A0 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2), 784.098 Bytes
Roma Eurosensors 2004 - XVIII Edition, Pontificia Universitas Angelicum
Rome, Italy, Europe. September, 13-15, 2004.
Environmental permanence and TOC sensors based on TiO2
L. Campanella, F. Bellanti, C. Costanza, R. Dragone, V. Nobili, G. Visco

Available: abstract & ......, .PDF (version 1.2), 27.811 Bytes
Siena2004 VIII Congresso Nazionale Di Chimica Dell'Ambiente E Dei Beni Culturali, Governare la Complessita' con la Complessita', Colle di Val d'Elsa, Siena, Italy, Europe, 8-11 giugno 2004.
Poster presentation
Photochemical Sensor for Total Organic Carbon Measurement
G. Visco, L. Campanella, F. Bellanti, V. Nobili, T. Mazzella

Available: abstract & 70x100 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2), 573.012 Bytes
bologna 2nd National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Molecular Approach, Bologna, Italy, Europe. February 25-27 2004.
Poster presentation
Nanosized TiO2 Compared According to Chemometric Analysis With Other Titanium Dioxides for Photodegradation Application
G. Visco, L. Campanella, F. Bellanti

Available: abstract & A0 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2), 281.176 Bytes
Hungary XI Italian-Hungarian Symposium on Spectrochemistry, Venice, Italy, Europe. October 20-24 2003.
Poster presentation
The International Norm For The Measure Of The TOC And The Carbons In Waters, Chronological And Critical Analysis
G. Visco, L. Campanella, V. Nobili

Available: abstract & A0 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2), 478.328 Bytes
ustica V Colloquium Chemiometricum Mediterraneum, Ustica (PA), Sicily, Italy, Europe. June 25-27 2003.
Oral Communication
Chemometric Approach To The Analytical Characterisation Of Bagnoli (NA, Italy) Sea-Site
G. Visco, L. Campanella, L. Ribezzi

Available: the abstractin english, abstract in italian, the slides in pure HTML format
SCI2003 XXI Congresso Nazionale Della Societa' Chimica Italiana, Torino, Italy, Europe. June 22-27 2003.
Poster presentation
Caratterizzazione Analitica del Sito Marino di Bagnoli (NA, Italy)
L. Campanella, G. Visco, L. Ribezzi, R. Grossi

A0 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2), 741.834 Bytes
portoroz 4^ Mediterranean Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Portoroz, Slovenia, 15-20 September 2002.
Oral Communication
Selection Of TiO2 Based Catalyst For The Optimisation Of Photochemical Sensors To Determine TOC In Aqueous Solutions, A Statistical And Chemometric Approach
Luigi Campanella, Giovanni De Angelis, Giovanni Visco

43 slide in pure HTML format
viareggio XVII Congresso Nazionale Di Chimica Analitica, Viareggio (Lucca), 24-28 Giugno 2002
Poster presentation
Fotodegradazione Di Coloranti Industriali
L. Campanella, I. Giardina, G. Visco

Available: abstract or A0 paper format, Poster, .PDF (version 1.2), 579.765 Bytes
Universita' Degli Studi di Roma
La Sapienza
Dr. G. Visco
appointed professor for chemometrics & ....
Facolta' di Scienze Mat. Fis. Nat.
Dip. Chimica
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