5th Mediterraneus Meeting, CMA4CH, Employ of Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics in Environment and Cultural Heritage Fields
Rome, Italy, 14-17 December 2014
Poster communication

Physico-chemical, Colorimetric and Mineralogical Characterization of a Plaster Sample Coming from "Palazzo Governi", Cagliari (Italy)

C. Genova, G. Visco, M.P. Sammartino, G. Cau
Rome University, "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
accepted abstract (.PDF , 241,331 Bytes)
B1 paper, Poster Presentation (.PDF , 1,021,952 Bytes)
First Tentative of Characterisation of Stratum Outcropping Inside the Roman Baths of Palazzo Valentini in Rome

C. Silvestri, L. Di Luga, G. Visco, M.P. Sammartino, P. Baldassarri
Rome University, "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
accepted abstract (.PDF , 198,822 Bytes)
B1 paper, Poster Presentation (.PDF , 2,762,752 Bytes)


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