The First Symposium for YouNg Chemists: Innovation and Sustainability (SYNC2022)
Rome, Italy, 20-23 June 2022
Poster communication

Continuous on-site monitoring of water conductivity/temperature with a homemade Open-Source, Arduino-based instrument useful for education and research

L. U. Fontanella, G. Visco, M. Tomassetti, M. P. Sammartino, R. Curini
Chemistry Department, "La Sapienza" University, p.le A. Moro 5, 00185, Rome, Italy
B1 paper, Poster Presentation (.PDF , 1,400,880 Bytes)

Chemical-physical diagnostics propaedeutic to the conservative restoration of the Cippus Funebris of Quinto Cornelio Procliano

Emanuele Dell'Aglio1, Maria Luisa Astolfi1, Maria Pia Sammartino1, Marco Castracane2, Giovanni Visco1, Luigi Campanella1
1Chemistry Department, Rome University, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, 2Senior conservator-restorer, Rome, Italy
B1 paper, Poster Presentation (.PDF , 5,580,845 Bytes)


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