3rd Mediterraneus Meeting, CMA4CH, Application of Multivariate Analysis and Chemometry to Cultural Heritage and Environment
Taormina, Italy, 26-29 September 2010
Poster communication

Study of Photostability of Finasteride, Diclofenac and Naproxen Through Exposure of Simulated Sunlight and Evaluation of Packaging Photoprotection of These Drugs

D. Ruiu, M. Castrucci, F. Bellanti, G. Visco, L. Campanella
Rome University, "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
accepted abstract (.PDF , 216,387 Bytes)
B1 paper, Poster Presentation (.PDF , 1,463,796 Bytes)
Washing and Cleaning of Ancient Coins, an Alternative Method Using Ultrasound and Chemometry

G. Visco, S.H. Plattner, R. Reale and M.P. Sammartino
Rome University, "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
accepted abstract (.PDF , 149,399 Bytes)
B1 paper, Poster Presentation (.PDF , 426,999 Bytes)


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