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the Special Issue with an accurate selection of works presented at CMA4CH 2016 is ready on ESPR journal

Lectures, contribute for Talk or Poster, Authors names

Opening Lecture Author Title
introduction and acknowledgement  Giovanni Visco  Preface, introduction, acknowledgement
for Opening  Luigi Campanella
E. Dell’Aglio, R. Angeloni
 Algae Extracts for Restoration and Conservation of Paper
for Environment section  Pasquale Avino  Electronic Cigarette: a Review on Physical/Chemical Profile and Human Health Implications
for Theoretical Chemometrics section  Federico Marini  Multivariate classification methods: A gentle introduction
for Cultural Heritage section  Giovanni Visco
P.G. Agostinucci, G. Testa, and M.P. Sammartino
 Multiparametric Comparison of Sacred Spring Waters of Roman Forum Using 4 Sample Campaigns of Chemical-Physical Data


Table of received contribute for Talk or Poster

First author, coworkers; affiliation; country
(Authors list)
Title Poster
or Oral
as PreSubmission,
in pEerRew.,
author(s) registr.?
M. Traoré, J. Kaal, A. Martínez Cortizas;
Departamento de Edafoloxía e Química Agrícola; Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio (Incipit), Santiago de Compostela; Spain
  PCA on Transposed Data Matrices for Wood FTIR-ATR Spectra Analysis: Application to Archaeological Woods Oral A C.H.
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Registration OK
M.P. Sammartino;
La Sapienza Rome University, Mathematical Physical Natural Science Faculty, Rome; Italy
  Chemical Mechanism Involved in the Movements of Soluble Salts Inside Masonry: Different Affinity of Salts Toward the Brick’s Components Oral A C.H.
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Cover letter OK
Registration OK
M. Manigrasso, C. Protano, M. Vitali, P. Avino;
National Institute for Insurance Against Accidents at Work (INAIL), Rome; Italy
  Particles in Domestic Environments: Levels, Behavior and Doses Deposited in the Human Respiratory Tract Oral A Envir.
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Registration OK
M. Tomassetti, F. Marini, R. Bucci, A. Coppa, L. Campanella;
Dept. of Chemistry, Dept. of Environmental Biology, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome; Italy
  On the use of NIR Spectroscopy Coupled to Chemometrics for Relative Dating of Human Fossil Bones Poster A C.H.
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Cover letter OK
Registration OK
F. Frasca, A.M. Siani, C. Cornaro;
Dept of Earth Sciences, Dept of Physics, La Sapienza University, Dept of Enterprise Engineering, Rome Tor Vergata University, Rome; Italy
  Microclimatic Measurements and Whole-building Dynamic Simulation of a Semi-confined Paleontological Site: La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Rome) Oral A C.H.
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Registration OK
A. De Lorenzi Pezzolo, M. Colombi, G.A. Mazzocchin;
Dept of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems, Ca' Foscari University, Venice; Italy
  Where Did Roman Masons Get Their Material From? A DRIFTS/MVA Investigation on Mortar Aggregates and Their Potential Sources in The X Regio Oral A C.H.
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M. Laurenzi Tabasso, S. Ridolfi;
Restauratori senza Frontiere - Italia (Non lucrative Association); Ars Mensurae, Rome; Italy
  PCA Analysis Applied to the Study of the Surface Coating of Stone Monuments in Persepolis Oral A C.H.
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M. Tomassetti, R. Angeloni, M. Castrucci, G. Visco, L. Campanella;
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome; Italy
  Measurements of Ethanol Traces in Natural Waters Using a DMFC Enzymatic Device and Chemometric Application Oral A Envir.
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A. Mistaro, A. Felluga, F. Moimas, A. Abatangelo, T. Asquini, R. Bruno, L. Celic, M. Guidarelli, A. Pastrello, A. Semec Bertocchi;
Regional Agency for Environment Protection (ARPA-FVG), Trieste; Italy
  Chemical Characterization of Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (NE Italy) through Exploratory Data Analysis Oral A Envir.
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Registration OK
A. Brotzu, F. Felli, M. Marabelli;
Engineering Faculty, I.C.M.A., University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome; Italy
  Fountain Encrustations and Their Influence in Protection of Bronze Underneath Oral A C.H.
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Registration OK
A. Genga, B. Introna, C. Malitesta, M. Siciliano, T. Siciliano, A. Giove, S. Iacobellis;
Department of Science and Tecnolgies for Environment, Lecce; Italy
  Carbonaceous Species in PM10 and PM2.5 in the Atmosphere of Three Italian Port Cities. Statistical Treatment of Data Oral A Envir.
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Registration OK
F. Tombolini, D. Pigini, G. Tranfo, E. Paci, I. Carosi, L. Bauleo, C. Ancona, F. Forastiere;
INAIL, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Epidemiology and Hygiene, Monte Porzio Catone; Italy
  Urinary Concentrations of five Hydroxy-PAHs in 598 Subjects Living in Central Italy Determined by HPLC/MS/MS Poster
A Envir.
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Registration OK
S. De Luca, E. Ciotoli, R. Bucci, A.L. Magrì, A.D. Magrì, F. Marini;
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome#59; Italy
  Characterization of Green Coffee Cultivars by NIR, HPLC and Chemometrics Oral A Chemom.
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Registration OK
S. De Luca, A. Furtivo, S. Bassi, R. Bucci, A.L. Magrì, A. D. Magrì, F. Marini;
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome#59; Italy
  Coupling of NIR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for the Authentication of Dried Fruits Poster A Chemom.
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Registration OK
A. Genga, P. Ielpo, M. Siciliano, T. Siciliano;
Department of Science and Tecnolgies for Environment, Lecce; Italy
  Distribution of Metals in Salento (South Italy) Agricultural Soils Poster A Envir.
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Registration OK
P. Ielpo, M.R. Taurino, R. Buccolieri, F. Gallone, S. Di Sabatino;
Water Research Institute (Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque) IRSA-CNR, Bari Division; Italy
  Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Indoor air of a Bakery Poster
A Envir.
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Registration OK
C. Genova, G. Guida, G. Cau, R. Reale, G. Visco, M.P. Sammartino;
Rome University, "La Sapienza", ISCR, Rome; Italy
  Physico-chemical and Mineralogical Characterization of Black Crusts Coming from Cagliari Town Hall, "Palazzo Bacaredda", Cagliari (Italy) Oral A C.H.
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Registration OK
F. Di Croce, S. Iegre, F. Di Turo, G. Favero;
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome; Italy
  Art and Chemistry: Discovering the Materials of "The Four Seasons" by Gaetano Paloscia (Tibaldi Palace) Poster
A C.H.
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Cover letter OK
Registration OK
A. Peduzzi, E. Dell'Aglio, G. Visco, M.P. Sammartino;
Rome University, "La Sapienza", Rome; Italy
  Cluster Analysis to Discover Similarity Among Bricks for Restoration and Original Roman Age Bricks Poster A C.H.
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Cover letter OK
Registration OK
P. Avino, M. Manigrasso, R. Schirò, C. Giannico, F. Perri, M.V. Russo;
INAIL, DIT, Rome; INAIL, UOT Taranto;DiAAA, University of Molise, Campobasso; Italy
  Mercury in Italy: Mapping and Behavior Across the Country Poster A Envir.
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Registration OK
R. Reale, T. Lovaglio, F. Langerame, G. Andreozzi, A.M. Salvi, M.P. Sammartino;
Chemistry Department, Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza University, Rome; Dept of Science, University of Basilicata; Italy
  Spectroscopic Investigation of Iron Stain on Carbonatic Stones Poster A C.H.
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Registration OK
L. Lombardi, I. Serafini, G. Vannutelli, C. Montesano, F. Sciubba, M. Guiso, R. Curini, A. Bianco;
Chemistry Department, Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza University, Rome; Italy
  Clarification of Chemical Composition of American Cochineal, in Order to Evaluate the Applicability of Statistical Analysis for Distinguishing Different Species of Cochineal Poster A C.H.
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Registration OK
C. Lucarelli, D. Ferro, T. de Caro, F. Susanna;
University of Rome Sapienza, ISMN-CNR, Montelibretti, ISMA-CNR and University of Neuchatel; Italy; Switzerland
  The Contribution of GIS for the Comprehension of Metallurgical Activities in Morocco Oral A C.H.
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Registration OK
M.V. Russo, P. Avino, M. Manigrasso, G. Capannesi, A. Rosada;
DiAAA, University of Molise, Campobasso; INAIL-DIT, Rome; UTFISST-CATNUC, ENEA, Rome; Italy
  Organic (Halocarbons) and Inorganic (Elements) Characterization of Soil and Rivers in the North Latium Region Poster A Envir.
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Registration OK
out of proceeding book        
O.F. Măruţoiu, I. Bratu, C. Măruţoiu, S.P. Timbuş (Monk Siluan), M. Buta, C. Tănăselia, L. Jantschi;
Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca; National Institute for R&D of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies; Romania
  Two-Sided Wooden Icon ("Jesus Christ" and "Saint Nicholas") from Nicula Patrimony - Theological and Scientific Investigations Oral A
to authors for corrections
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V.C. Măruţoiu, I. Bratu, O.F. Măruţoiu, C. Neamţu, C. Măruţoiu, I. Chirilă, C. Tănăselia;
Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca; National Institute for R&D of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies; Romania
  Scientific Investigation of the Imperial Gates from the Seventeen Century Wooden Church of Sălişca, Cluj County Poster/Oral? P C.H.
wait registration
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wait Proof reading
G. D’Ercoli, G. Guida, W. Basilissi, V. Santin, M. Marabelli;
High Institute for Conservation and Restoration (ISCR), Rome; Italy
  Study in Order to Find a Correlation Between the Sheltering Action of Calcareous Sediments of the Neptune Fountain in Bononia and the Wet Corrosion Rate of the Bronze Statues of The Sirene Oral/Poster P C.H.
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Received= submitted to Meeting organisation but before the registration, after registration go to in peer-review process. *= corresponding author if not first name.

The name of 111 Authors in alphabetic list, from 4 countries

 A. Abatangelo, Italy  P.G. Agostinucci, Italy  C. Ancona, Italy  G. Andreozzi, Italy  R. Angeloni, Italy  T. Asquini, Italy  P. Avino, Italy  A. Baciu, Romania  W. Basilissi, Italy  S. Bassi, Italy  L. Bauleo, Italy  A. Bianco, Italy  I. Bratu, Romania  A. Brotzu, Italy  R. Bruno, Italy  R. Bucci, Italy  R. Buccolieri, Italy  M. Buta, Romania  L. Campanella, Italy  G. Capannesi, Italy  I. Carosi, Italy  M. Castrucci, Italy  L. Celic, Italy  I. Chirilă, Romania  E. Ciotoli, Italy  M. Colombi, Italy  A. Coppa, Italy  C. Cornaro, Italy  R. Curini, Italy  G. D’Ercoli, Italy  T. de Caro, Italy  A. De Lorenzi Pezzolo, Italy  S. De Luca, Italy  E. Dell'Aglio, Italy  F. Di Croce, Italy  S. Di Sabatino, Italy  F. Di Turo, Italy  G. Favero, Italy  F. Felli, Italy  A. Felluga, Italy  D. Ferro, Italy  F. Forastiere, Italy  F. Frasca, Italy  A. Furtivo, Italy  F. Gallone, Italy  A. Genga, Italy  C. Giannico, Italy  A. Giove, Italy  S.P. Graphini, Romania  V.A. Grădinar, Romania  G. Guida, Italy  M. Guidarelli, Italy  M. Guiso, Italy  S. Iacobellis, Italy  S. Iegre, Italy  P. Ielpo, Italy  B. Introna, Italy  L. Jantschi, Romania  J. Kaal, Spain  I. Kacso, Romania  L. Lombardi, Italy  T. Lovaglio, Italy  C. Lucarelli, Italy  A.D. Magrì, Italy  A.L. Magrì, Italy  C. Malitesta, Italy  M. Manigrasso, Italy  M. Marabelli, Italy  F. Marini, Italy  A. Martínez Cortizas, Spain  C. Măruţoiu, Romania  O.F. Măruţoiu, Romania  V.C. Măruţoiu, Romania  G.A. Mazzocchin, Italy  A. Mistaro, Italy  F. Moimas, Italy  C. Montesano, Italy  C. Neamţu, Romania  E. Paci, Italy  A. Pastrello, Italy  A. Peduzzi, Italy  F. Perri, Italy  D. Pigini, Italy  C. Protano, Italy  S. Ridolfi, Italy  R. Reale, Italy  A. Rosada, Italy  M.V. Russo, Italy  A.M. Salvi, Italy  M.P. Sammartino, Italy  V. Santin, Italy  R. Schirò, Italy  F. Sciubba, Italy  A. Semec Bertocchi, Italy  I. Serafini, Italy  A.M. Siani, Italy  M. Siciliano, Italy  T. Siciliano, Italy  F. Susanna, Switzerland  M. Laurenzi Tabasso, Italy  M.R. Taurino, Italy  C. Tănăselia, Romania  G. Testa, Italy  S.P. Timbuş, Romania  M. Tomassetti, Italy  F. Tombolini, Italy  G. Tranfo, Italy  M. Traoré, Spain  G. Vannutelli, Italy  G. Visco, Italy  M. Vitali, Italy

Rome University, La Sapienza
Mathematical, Physical, Natural Science Faculty
Rome, Italy, Europe
CMA4CH meeting, 2016: straightforward approach in Cultural Heritage and Environment studies - Multivariate Analysis and Chemometry
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