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2016 Prizes

Established prizes

  In this edition we have about XY books as prizes for students and meeting participants, and the 2 software SIMCA and Easy Analytics by Umetrics. Having not time to build a Commission all prizes area by extraction.

  The prizes are:

  1. 3 licences of SIMCA software, from the famous Software House Umetrics (today MKS company), for meeting and for course;
  2. 2 licences of Easy Analitics software, from the famous Software House Umetrics (today MKS company), for meeting and for course;
  3. and 6 books of L. Eriksson et al. Multi and Megavariate Data Analysis Basic Principles and Applications, from Umetrics Academy;
  4. and 5 books from Umetrics Academy, by L. Eriksson et al. Design of Experiment, Principles and Applications;
The extraction

 Thanks to Mohamed Traoré delegate to extraction of the winners for this edition of the meeting

Thanks to:
Best prize
1st prize assigned, 12 months licence of SIMCA

 The winner is: A. Genga, authors with B. Introna, C. Malitesta, M. Siciliano, T. Siciliano, A. Giove, S. Iacobellis of the work:
 "Carbonaceous Species in PM10 and PM2.5 in the Atmosphere of Three Italian Port Cities. Statistical Treatment of Data"

2nd prize
2nd prize assigned, 6 months licence of Easy Analytics

 The winner is: A. De Lorenzi Pezzolo, author with M. Colombi, G.A. Mazzocchin of the work:
 "Where Did Roman Masons Get Their Material From? A DRIFTS/MVA Investigation on Mortar Aggregates and Their Potential Sources in The X Regio"

3rd prize
3rd prize assigned, the book Multivariate and Megavariate .....

 The winner is: M. Traoré, author with J. Kaal, A. Martínez Cortizas of the work:
 "PCA on Transposed Data Matrices for Wood FTIR-ATR Spectra Analysis: Application to Archaeological Woods"

4th prize
4th prize assigned, the book Design of Experiments: Principles .....

 The winner is: A. Peduzzi, author with E. Dell'Aglio, G. Visco, M.P. Sammartino of the work:
 "Cluster Analysis to Discover Similarity Among Bricks for Restoration and Original Roman Age Bricks"

5th prize
5th prize assigned, the book Multivariate and Megavariate .....

 The winner is: C. Genova, author with G. Guida, G. Cau, R. Reale, G. Visco, M.P. Sammartino of the work:
 "Physico-chemical and Mineralogical Characterization of Black Crusts Coming from Cagliari Town Hall, "Palazzo Bacaredda", Cagliari (Italy)"

6th prize
6th prize assigned, the book Multivariate and Megavariate .....

 The winner is: F. Marini author of the lecture:
 "Multivariate classification methods: A gentle introduction"

7th prize
7th prize assigned, the book Design of Experiments: Principles .....

 The winner is: R. Reale, author with T. Lovaglio, F. Langerame, G. Andreozzi, A.M. Salvi, M.P. Sammartino of the work:
 "Spectroscopic Investigation of Iron Stain on Carbonatic Stones"

8th prize
8th prize assigned, the book Design of Experiments: Principles .....

 The winner is: M. Tomassetti, author with F. Marini, R. Bucci, A. Coppa, L. Campanella of the work:
 "On the use of NIR Spectroscopy Coupled to Chemometrics for Relative Dating of Human Fossil Bones"

9th prize
9th prize assigned, the book Multivariate and Megavariate .....

 The winner is: A. Mistaro, author with A. Felluga, F. Moimas, A. Abatangelo, T. Asquini, R. Bruno, L. Celic, M. Guidarelli, A. Pastrello, A. Semec Bertocchi of the work:
 "Chemical Characterization of Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (NE Italy) through Exploratory Data Analysis"

10th prize
10th prize assigned, the book Design of Experiments: Principles .....

 The winner is: Campanella, author with E. Dell’Aglio, R. Angeloni of the lecture:
 "Algae Extracts for Restoration and Conservation of Paper"

11th prize
11th prize assigned, the book Multivariate and Megavariate .....

 The winner is: E. Dell’Aglio author with A. Peduzzi, G. Visco, M.P. Sammartino of the work:
 "Cluster Analysis to Discover Similarity Among Bricks for Restoration and Original Roman Age Bricks"

12th prize
12th prize assigned, the book Multivariate and Megavariate .....

 The winner is: M. Manigrasso, author with C. Protano, M. Vitali, P. Avino of the work:
 "Particles in Domestic Environments: Levels, Behavior and Doses Deposited in the Human Respiratory Tract"

extraction of the winners in The Course
1st prize
1st prize assigned, 12 months licence of Easy Analytics

 The winner is: Anna Maria Salvi, participant at the 4th edition of The Course

2nd prize
2nd prize assigned, 6 months licence of SIMCA

 The winner is: F. Di Turo, authors with F. Di Croce, S. Iegre, G. Favero of the work:
 "Art and Chemistry: Discovering the Materials of "The Four Seasons" by Gaetano Paloscia (Tibaldi Palace)"

3rd prize
3rd prize assigned, 3 months licence of SIMCA

 The winner is: Lorenzo Massimi, participant at the 4th edition of The Course

4th prize
4th prize assigned, the book Design of Experiments: Principles .....

 The winner is: P. Ielpo, author with M.R. Taurino, R. Buccolieri, F. Gallone, S. Di Sabatino of the work:
 "Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Indoor air of a Bakery"


Rome University, La Sapienza
Mathematical, Physical, Natural Science Faculty
Rome, Italy, Europe
CMA4CH, Application of Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics to Environment and Cultural Heritage
→ in the even years of III millennium ←
Laurea Degree Course of
Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation
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