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Photo Gallery, 2016 edition of the Meeting

colosseo by 3D

be careful, the pictures are between 400 and 990 KBytes

  Rome, of course

  The 2016 Edition of CMA4CH Meeting was held in one of the most famous city of the Mediterranean area, in Italy. 2 thousand years ago 1 million of person lives around this city, today is not famous for engineering or commerce but only for culture.

  The Meeting will be held inside the Engineering Faculty in the main italian university. The building is in a separate part of La Sapienza University campus.

  We suggest to spend some other days in Mirabilia Urbis Romae. It is a very popular tourist destination since 800 b.C.! This small city is cut by the famous Tiber and extends of some hills.

Previous editions

  As usual for the CMA4CH we put online some photo of the meeting and of the city.

please use Back button of your browser to return here, after see one of the follow photos
some photos are obtained with one of better digital camera, other with a phone!
2006 edition Nemi lake (70 KB)
2006 edition not canned meat (133 KB)
2006 edition, not only strawberry (105 KB)
2008 edition Ventotene island (50 KB)
2008 edition A. Spinelli (185 KB)
2008 edition the Europe (350 KB)
2010 edition Taormina (418 KB)
2010, are we able to build a bridge before the next Big Earthquake destroys it? (220 KB)
2010, you excuse me but someone say that I am not suitable for flying (760 KB)
marco aurelio
2012, Rome, 2500 years old bronze statue (230 KB)
prize party1
2012, the Prize Party (120 KB)
2014, discussion at The Meeting, a reply (316 KB)
2014, as usual, the sweet at prize party (190 KB)
2016 edition, half of the staff at prize party (164 KB)
the sweet, 3Kg of crostata (282 KB)

1) Colosseum 3d, obtained from in nov 2010

Rome University, La Sapienza
Mathematical, Physical, Natural Science Faculty
Rome, Italy, Europe
CMA4CH, Application of Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics to Environment and Cultural Heritage
in the even years of III millennium
Laurea Degree Course of
Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation
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