Theme, Topics, Scope, Dates and Scientific Programme

ancient cicaldi drinker
most ancient marble figure?
Cicladi Islands
Scope of the Meeting

  The world is multivariate!* In order to be significant the data coming from diagnostic on Environment as well as on Cultural Heritage must be multivariate.

  Italian reform of the University discipline (raggruppamenti) years ago introduced the group Chim12 "Ambiente e Beni Culturali" (Environment and Cultural Heritage); this let to the institution of degree courses devoted to these topics and, furthermore, it is easier to individuate people involved on the subject.

  The aim of the conference is to favour the meeting between researchers, experts, connoisseurs and competents on chemometry applied to Environment (environmetrics) and Cultural Heritage (CMA4CH). A new words was coined in 2006 edition, Cultherimetry and Cultherimetrics.

  Contributions from experts on diagnostic applied to the topic, restorers and all people involved on the Environment and Cultural Heritage protection, are welcome for a useful exchange of news on the "State of Art", particularly on the current unsolved problems.

  The meeting is split in the following three main keynotes, presented in not parallel sections:

What is chemometry?

  What is chemometrics? Am I doing multivariate analysis? Am I using chemometry without knowing that I am using it? The index (Vol1 and Vol2) of the last book of the lamented prof. D.L. Massart is often used as list, neither exhaustive, of what today the researchers intends for chemometrics.

  If your research fields falls in the previous list (or in this one) you are welcome in this Meeting and we suggest to read carefully the whole pages of this web site.

  Chemometrics or Chemometry, our choice is .... both.

  If you like to know more about definitions of Chemometrics, about what is Chemometry and values of well established data set, please use the previous links. Remember to return here from Rome Chemometrics.

Authoritative list

  In addiction we make up an "authoritative list" of researchers and experts in Cultural Heritage field and to Environment Analysis field also with use of Multivariate Analysis and this is one of our objective. This list is available for anyone who needs expert's suggestions or expert's analysis to support their research in restoration, conservation, pollutants analysis or prevention.

  This list is maintained and supported by Meeting Organising Committee. if you want to contact one of the authors (for expertise, consulting, cooperation) .

  One other method to obtain a list of researchers engaged in those fields is read the list of participants in previous editions: curricula 2006 or curricula 2008 or curricula 2010 or curricula 2012 or curricula 2014 or curricula 2016 and curricula 2018.

Main topics

All the following subjects are related to Cultural Heritage Analysis (C.H.A.) and Environmental Analysis (E.A.) using Diagnostic and Statistic are welcome for oral or poster presentations.

sub topics, these themes are welcome
aid of M.A. for non-invasive non-destructive methods in C.H. and Environmental analysis analysis of serial ancient objects by M.A. application of Experimental Design in E.A. appropriate statistical analyses applied to the studies of Cultural Heritage tourism
archeometrics, application of M.A. and chemometrics encrease detection limit for trace analysis in E.A. and C.H.A. classification of ancients objects, statistical theory of hypothesis comparison of commercial software packages for M.A.
diagnostic methods for C.H., multiparametric didactic on M.A. and chemometry effect of contaminated ecosystems and human fruition on Cultural heritage finds effect of contaminated ecosystems on Cultural heritage finds itself
environmental quality criteria (EQC) and environmental risk assessment (ERA) expert and decision system to support authority in environmental problems solution GUM and QUAM applied to the measures in C.H. and Environment IPPC suggested Best Available Techniques (BAT) and their possible use in C.H. analysis
is it or isn't it true? The forensic analysis supported by of M.A. and Chemometry light-matter interaction (Spectroscopy, reflectance, fluorescence, e.g.) and M.A. in C.H.A. and E.A. M.A. for characterisation of composition and structure of Art Objects and Archaeological Artefacts M.A. to upgrade the performance characteristics of the Chemical Measurement Process (CMP)
metalworking activity and ancient technology studied with chemometrics and multivariate approach multiparametric, multimethods, multitechniques to validate decisions in C.H.A. and E.A. multivariate approach to study limnological, stratigraphic, excavation profile numerical simulation. Monte Carlo methods for E.A.
pattern recognition of environmental data radiocarbon measurements for C.H. and E.A., discriminant tools, pollutants analysis stolen, theft and missing works of art: the contribution of statistic methods to contrast it time series analysis of environmental data
the Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus of Munchen, the Caestium pyramid of Rome, the roman's Ships of Nemi, the museum of Baghdad: Cultural Heritage in conflict (cultural resource management in conflict situations) intentional, deliberate dissemination of radionuclides in environment (army, counterweight, pigments, nonexistent! mininukes, etc.), multivariate analysis for diagnostic and remediation

Can you make a presentation on ...?

  We are ready to invite to Social Dinner, for free, a Lecteur in the following:

Presentation programme

  For some external problems not under control of organisation we must move the date and the place of the next edition to .....

Poster session

  From first edition we have an interesting poster's session acclaimed by auditorium, but the space is not big enough, please register early. Posters have to be explained from 09.00 to 09.30am on the first day and then take back at the end of the meeting.

  News on the right dimension of the poster [B1 only, we have scissors a shredder :-) ] and also other information are available in the page of this web site. You can find the poster accepted at meeting in the talks and posters page.

Mediterraneum nominatur mare Section

  Often, some young, some restorer, some environment's technicians afraid to speak at a conference in a language other than their own.

  But it is also a well established practice on the Colloquium Chemiometricum Mediterraneum to let participants talk in their own language.

  Quoting "The first rule of the Colloquium is that people can speak slowly in one of the officially recognized Latin languages. Transparencies and slides should be in English.".

  Even CMA4CH, from the first edition, use this policy and for 2018 is established this section on teatime, dedicated to facilitate the presence and participation of all those with an imperfect knowledge of the usual scientific language, the Latin.

  Sorry I meant English!

  Summa of Works presented

  We make a new page to summarise the list of Works presented, in any form, at the meeting, the talks and posters page. For the authors in this web page you can find the progress of your presentation.

Virtual Meeting, obtain the CD and abstract book

  Many congresses and meetings represent a switch point in a given discipline but unfortunately after some days it is not possible to recover both the single interventions and the whole presentation considered really interesting to summarize the changes.

  Today the information society produces a rapid circulation of new ideas but also a precocious oblivion (T. Davies, 2002) of the knowledge. As references: the Digital Dark Age or an ancient text already available today.

  To remark the importance of this Meeting every presenter (first author) is asked to send a short Curriculum Vitae, including a photo, a long abstract in electronic format and the presentation in electronic format, and the authorisation to collect them in a book. Moreover some selected titles are published in famous, peer review, journals.

  To contrast, in part, the oblivion we intend to produce a virtual meeting with the list of the presentations and the authors always online and, at the end of the meeting, the book of the abstracts, peer reviewed, and a CD with all the presentations (Posters and Oral presentations). After the meeting, for not the participants the book and the CD will be available at the cost of production and shipment. Today the price is about euro 35.00 for the 6 previous editions, plus postal and packing.

  Authors must accomplish about the publication in this web site of their long abstracts.


.... The world is multivariate; theory and statistical methods ar capable of suggesting and confirming subtle multivariate relationships. ....

Donald D. Hester, Book Reviews of: Irwin Friend, James R. Longstreet, Morris Mendelson, Ervin Miller, Arleigh P. Hess Jr; Investment Banking and the New Issues Market, The American Economic Review 58(4) (1968), 1023-1024.

Rome University, La Sapienza
Mathematical, Physical, Natural Science Faculty
Rome, Italy, Europe
CMA4CH, Application of Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics to Environment and Cultural Heritage
→ in the even years of III millennium ←
Laurea Degree Course of
Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation
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