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  One of the scopes of the Meeting is make a list of researcher in the field of Meeting itself. So an idea is obtain a list of presenter, authors, participants, member of scientific and organising committee, but in family name alphabetic list with affiliation and work field. In this page you can find: the Scientific Committee, the Organising Committee, the Authors list.

Chairmans of Scientific Committee
Prof. Richard Brereton

 Chairman. Richard Brereton is Professor of Chemometrics and Director of the Centre for Chemometrics in Bristol (UK). He obtained his BA, MA and PhD from the University of Cambridge (UK). He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, a Chartered Chemist, Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. He was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry's 2006 Theophilus Redwood lectureship. He is author of the book Chemometrics: Data Analysis for the Laboratory and Chemical Plant (Wiley 2003), and author Applied Chemometrics for Scientists (Wiley 2007), and was fortnightly Feature Writer in Chemometrics for the Alchemist and Associate Editor of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. He is Chemometrics editor for Chemistry Central Journal. He has published more then 300 articles, 15 book chapters and 6 edited/authored books. He has given 143 invited lectures in 24 countries worldwide, supervised 117 coworkers in Bristol and acted as referee for over 40 journals.
 His current research interests include pattern recognition in forensics, biology, pharmaceuticals, medicine, environment and plastics using data obtained from chromatography, thermal analysis, acoustic spectroscopy, NMR and mass spectrometry.

Prof. Luigi Campanella

 Co-Chairman for Cultural Heritage. Full professor of Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry at Rome University, La Sapienza. Already full professor of Analytical Chemistry. Actually engaged in the field of Environmental Chemistry, Toxicological Analytical Chemistry and Biosensors. In the past other fields of interest: Electroanalytical Chemistry, Food Analysis, Bioindicators, Cultural Heritage and diffusion of Scientific Culture.
 Author of three books of Analytical Applied Chemistry, of more than 400 papers in the preferred research topics and of three patents. From 2008 President of Italian Chemical Society, also President of Government National Order of Chemist for italian centre region.

Scientific Committee
Dr. Pierluigi Barbieri

 Researcher in Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry at the University of Trieste (Italy). Already researcher in Analytical Chemistry, with main activity in environmental chemometrics and Quantitative Structure Toxicology Relationships. Actually engaged in experimental environmental chemistry and toxicology and air quality modelling.
 Teaching applied analytical chemistry and risk assessment of chemicals. Author of more than 40 scientific papers and 100 congress communications.

Dr. Marco Calderisi

 Degree in chemistry at Pisa University in 2000. Chemometric consultant since 2002. Expert in Experimental Design and Multivariate data analysis in the field of environmental chemistry, industrial research and process control.
 Actually involved in food industries process control, industrial waste water treatment, metal alloy design and environmental electronic nose measurement.
 Partner of a Siena University (Italy) spin-off project named TerraData Environmetrics. More information on

Dr. Nicolaas Klass M. Faber

 Degree in chemistry at the Radboud University in Nijmegen (1994). From 2002 onwards, he has led a consultancy company in chemometrics. He maintains active collaborations with academic research groups and has published about 75 scientific papers.
 His main research interests include error analysis, multivariate calibration, multiway calibration, curve resolution and numerical optimization. More information on

Dr. Nazzareno Gabrielli

 Chemist, already Director of "Gabinetto di Ricerche Scientifiche dei Musei Vaticani" (in Vatican State), involved from about 40 years in problems related to conservation and restoration of works of art.
 Participation in the restoration of "Pieta' di Michelangelo" in 1972. He has directed and coordinated the restoration of frescos in the "Cappella Sistina" (Michelangelo and quattrocentisti) and of the Necropolis under San Peter Basilica.
 Consultant, for about ten years, for the restoration of Byzantine monasteries in the old Yugoslav.

Prof. Giovanni Ettore Gigante

 Full professor of physic at Rome University. He is between the founders of the Italian Archeometry Association and a promoter of the Science and Technologies Courses applied to Cultural Heritage.
 He is at present the "President of the Advice" of Laurea Course in Sciences Applied To Cultural Heritage and Italian National Coordinator of "The College Of The Presidents" of such study courses.
 His scientific interests have been initially in the development of imaging techniques and of spectroscopy for medical jobs, today are tuned principally in Archeometry and in Conservation Of The Cultural Heritage.

R.C. Moreno
Dr. Ramon Checa-Moreno

 He graduated in Chemistry at the University of Granada. PhD in 2003. Actually, he is civil servant (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) working as researcher in two ways: development and validation of analytical methodologies for determination of veterinary medicine residues and, on the other hand, identification and characterization of binder materials present at Cultural Heritage's work of art using chromatography and pattern recognition techniques.
 He is member of an investigation group belonging to University of Granada, Spain.

M.I. Prudencio
Prof. Maria Isabel Prudêncio

 Professor Degree in Geology, 2005. Responsible for the Cultural Heritage and Sciences Group at Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear (Portugal Nuclear and Technological Institute).
 Principal fields of research: nuclear methods of analyses and absolute dating by luminescence applied to cultural heritage and earth sciences; trace elements geochemistry; gamma spectrometry; environmental geology.

PhD Maria Pia Sammartino

 Researcher at Rome University, La Sapienza. The research activity was mainly focused on analytical applications of electrochemistry while, actually, it is strongly bound with the didactic activity and regards the application of, mainly, non invasive/non destructive or microinvasive/non destructive analysis of ancient objects of art in Cultural Heritage field.
 The full activity (didactic and scientific) aims to suggest the proper "analytical iter", to be followed approaching a work of art, in order to ensure the maximum information with the minimum damage.

Prof. Mauro Tomassetti

 Full professor at Rome University. Research interests are in the development of electrochemical sensors and biosensors working both in aqueous and organic solvents and in their application to environmental, biopharmaceutical and food analysis.
 Also interests are in thermoanalytical studies (TG, DTA, DSC) for the stability or purity control and the characterisation of several materials (drugs, foodstuffs, polymers, ancients, etc.) and in the study and characterisation of archaeological finds and cultural heritages, investigated by means of several instrumental techniques of chemical analysis.
 Have about 300 publications and 450 communications to Congresses, overall in the above recorded fields of research.

Dr. Giovanni Visco

 Coordinator of Committees. At present contract researcher at Rome University; already contract professor at Chemistry Department, as well as coworker from 1982 for the acquisition, processing, and chemometrics treatment of the analytical and environmental chemist data with the Prof. L. Campanella research group
 As visible in photo engaged in diagnoses on cultural heritage (XVI century frescos, XV century tortoises fountain) and environmental remediation. He is co-author of more than 35 papers on international scientific journals and same number of congress communications. Last work is scientific coordinator of a chemometrics course for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Organising Committee
Dr. Nicoletta Barbabietola

 Graduated in "Science Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and Conservation" (second level degree) at Rome University "La Sapienza" on May 2007. For her thesis she carried out an internship at Institute for New Technologies, Energy and Environment of Rome (ENEA-Casaccia), which had as object of study the selection of calcifying bacterial strains, isolated from the walls of the Mercareccia Etruscan tomb of Tarquinia, and their application as bio-consolidating agents on Lecce Stone samples. After her thesis she carried out a training at the biology's laboratory of the Central Institute for the Pathology of Book "Alfonso Gallo". Actually she has won a grant at ENEA-Casaccia for a research about the use of calcifying bacteria for the restoration of carbonatic stones.

Dr. Francesco Bellanti

 Graduated (laurea magistralis) in Analytical Chemistry at Rome University, La Sapienza. Author of some congress presentations and publications in degradation of drugs and in spectrophotometric analytical methods.
 At the present analytical chemist in an international pharmaceutical company.

Mauro Castrucci

 To be graduate (laurea magistralis) in Analytical Chemistry at Rome University, La Sapienza. Already author of some congress presentations and publications about degradation of new type of pollutants, drugs and personal care products, with HPOP (High Performance Oxidation Processes).

Dr. Andrea Macchia

 Born in Rome, in 1978. For his first level's degree (2004) in the Course of "Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation", he has used the EDXRF technique for the analysis of canvas paintings. Actually, for his second level's degree in the same Course, he's carrying out a study to tweak an innovative chemical compound for cleaning copper compounds from stone basements of bronze statues. On May 2005, he has pooled the AIEDABC, the Italian Association of Expert in Diagnostic Applied to the Cultural Heritage.

Maria Grazia Papa

 To be graduate (short lauream) in Science for International Communication at Catania University. Engaged in Italian to English translation and viceversa, build information on place, forecast, historical, cultural heritage and travel for tourist and accompanying person of the Meeting.

S. Plattner
Dr. Susanne Plattner

 Susanne H. Plattner was born in Munich, Germany, in 1977. She moved to Rome, Italy in 1997. From 1997 to 1999 she attended a school for conservators of paintings. In 2003 she finished her first level degree at the University of Rome La Sapienza in "Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation" with a thesis about Digital Detection In Radiography Applied To Cultural Heritage. Her second level degree thesis, in 2006, concerned with composition-related corrosion of archaeological copper alloys of a coin hoard excavated in Fidenae territory.
 Currently she is a PhD student for Chemical Sciences at La Sapienza. Her research interest is focused on the corrosion of metals, primary copper alloys.

Dr. Daniele Ruiu

 Graduated in Analytical Chemistry (laurea magistralis) at "La Sapienza" University in Rome, with a thesis on the simulated natural photodegradation of some active pharmaceutical principles, their integral toxicity and their analysis with chromatographic techniques (HPLC). Author of some conference presentations and publications on environmental pollution by pharmaceutical residues.
 After a long time works in a medical center of aesthetic plastic surgery today works on a large company for distribution of laboratory supply and equipments.

C. Tropea
Dr. Concettina Tropea

 Second level Degree in "Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation" at Rome University in 2007, with a thesis about a system to monitor the presence of soluble salts on stone manufacts. First level Degree in 2004 with a thesis about microradiography applied to artistic manufacts. In 2006 professional qualification as Operator for restoration of paintings.
 Attually she's colloborating at International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) Laboratory in Rome.

Dr. Giovanni Visco

 Coordinator of Committees. At present contract researcher at Rome University; already contract professor at Chemistry Department, as well as coworker from 1982 for the acquisition, processing, and chemometrics treatment of the analytical and environmental chemist data with the Prof. L. Campanella research group
As visible in photo engaged in diagnoses on cultural heritage (XVI century frescos, XV century tortoises fountain) and environmental remediation. He is co-author of more than 30 papers on international scientific journals and same number of congress communications. Last work is "scientific coordinator" of a chemometrics course for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Authors list
E. Andriani
Dr. Eleonora Andriani

 Dr. Eleonora Andriani was born in Bari on August 1980. She graduated in Chemistry in 2005 at the University of Bari. During 2006, she has worked for Environmental Research Group, Chemistry Department, University of Bari, to draft Emission Inventory of Pollutants in Regione Puglia. Engaged in PhD study from 2007, she is dealing with the application of receptor model to air quality data.

P. Avino
PhD Pasquale Avino

 P. Avino received Master Science in Chemistry in 1992 and Ph.D. in 1997 at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". From 1997 to 1998 he was appointed as Post-graduate Researcher at the University of California, Irvine (USA) studying the separation of non-methane compounds and the halocarbons and their behaviour in atmosphere under the supervision of proff. Rowland and Blake.
 From 1999 until now he has appointed as Researcher at the ISPESL Research Center (Italy). Dr. Avino is involved in the Air Chemical Laboratory: his studies are devoted to the different aspects of the atmospheric pollution in residential and industrial sites. In 2003 he was the recipient of the "Environmental Sapio" Award for his research in the environmental field, in the atmospheric particulate matter.

A. Baciu
Dr. Annamaria Baciu

 Art historian and paintings restorer. Head of the Sacred Art Department of the Orthodox Theology Faculty, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Involved in both didactic and cultural heritage preservation activities. The main field of research regards the painting restoration as a generator of cultural information.

C. Botre
Prof. Claudio Botrè

 Medical Doctor, Chemist, Biologist and full professor of Physical-Chemistry, was for many years involved in researches on bio-irreversibility of living systems and in the resolution of several environmental contamination accidents. He was awarded by Italian Government with the gold medal for his works in favour of the public health.
 He is author of more than 200 scientific publications, monographs, reviews and books in Environment field and also in Cultural Heritage field.

P. Cosentino
Prof. Pietro L. Cosentino

 Full professor of Applied Geophysics at Palermo University. Actually engaged in the field of Cultural Heritage Microgeophysics and Environmental Geophysics. In the past other fields of interest: were Seismology, Hydro-geophysics and Archeo-geophysics as well as the diffusion and promotion of Scientific Culture (He has been Director of many International Schools of E. Majorana Center of Erice).
 He is author of one book of Technological Basis for Geophysics, of more than 180 papers in the preferred research topics and of two national and international patents. He has been engaged in many European and Italian projects in the many research topics, namely Seismology, Hydro-geophysics, Archeo-geophysics and Micro-geophysics for Engineering and Cultural Heritage (Monuments and artefacts).

A. Daveri
Dr. Alessia Daveri

 Degree in Chemistry at University of Perugia on October 2005, with a thesis about "Reflectance mid-FTIR spectroscopy for the non-invasive study of mural paintings". From 04-2006 to 12-2006 fellowship at Centro di Eccellenza SMAart of University of Perugia.
 Currently she is a PhD student in Chemical Sciences at University of Perugia. Her research activity is focused on the applications of non-invasive methodologies for the study of Cultural Heritage.

M.I. Dias
PhD Maria Isabel Dias

 PhD in Geology, 1998. Researcher in the Cultural Heritage and Sciences Group at Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear (Portugal Nuclear and Technological Institute).
 Principal fields of research: nuclear methods of analyses and absolute dating by luminescence applied to cultural heritage and earth sciences; compositional (geochemical and mineralogical) studies of archaeological and geological materials; clay minerals.

G. Dogan
Dr. Guray Dogan

 Ph.D candidate since February 2005. Research assistant in Middle East Technical University-Department of Environmental Engineering, Ankara-Turkey.
 Research fields: Long range transport of pollutants, air pollution, source apportionment.

S. Duchene
Dr. Stéphanie Duchêne

 Graduated in chemistry then in history (both first level degree) in France, she moved in Italy in 2001 to study Chemistry for Cultural Heritage in Venice University. After a training period in the CNR-ICIS group in Padua, she finished the first level degree in 2004. In 2006 she was contract researcher at CNR-ICIS when she won a concourse for a permanent position in the wall paintings section of the Research Laboratory for Historical Monuments (LRMH) in Paris.
 She received her M.Sc. in Chemistry for Cultural Heritage with honors from Venice University in February 2008 with a thesis on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and its applications for wall paintings.

S.S. Fong
Dr. Sim S. Fong

 Graduated in 1998 with a BSc (Hon) in Resource Chemistry and in 2000 with an MSc in Organic Chemistry. In March 2007, I began a funded PhD at the University of Bristol, supervised by Prof Richard Brereton in Chemometrics.
 The aim of my thesis is to employ chemometrics approaches for analysis of chromatographic data. Development of various sophisticated chromatographic devices has allowed generation of large amount of data with high sensitivity and selectivity. Handling this massive data has become a challenge for many fields. Chemometrics could be integrated to automate the interpretation of the chromatographic data and to extract useful information with pattern recognition methods.

T. Gatta
PhD Tania Gatta

 Degree in Chemistry at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (2002). Currently she is concluding her PhD in Analytical Chemistry with a thesis on "Oxidative stress and biological damage" and is also involved in a spin-off project on a multiparametric probe for food safety. Author of various publications focused on chemistry related to food, environment and cultural heritage.

J.b. Ghasemi
Prof. Jahan B. Ghasemi

 Professor at Chemistry Department, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran. PhD in Analytical Chemistry on 1995 with a research on thermodynamic and kinetic of complexation. Visiting researcher at University of Delaware, 2006, studying signal denoising algorithms. Main researches are on: thermodynamic and kinetic study of ligands, software applications for refinement of analytical data, interfacing and automation, application of various chemometrics technique. Up today engaged in: investigation of the effects of air pollution on the monument stone in Kermanshah region, analysis of drinking water of many water wells in western of Iran, design and manufacturing an automated analysis system, recycling of the chemical refinery wastes.
 Have about 100 papers published in international journals and about same number of congress participation.

JM. Gonzalez
Prof. Jose Maria González Sáiz

 Associate professor of Chemical Engineering and co-director of the "Process Analysis and Chemometrics" research group at University of La Rioja (Logroño, Spain). Principal fields of research: multivariate data analysis applied to spectrophotometrics and separation techniques; caracterisation and food frauds detection by Chemometrics techniques; optimisation and development of new industrial fermentation processes; analysis and control of volatile organic compounds and pesticides in agroalimentary products.

A. Gorassini
Dr. Andrea Gorassini

 From 2004 researcher at the University of Udine (Italy), Department of History and Preservation of Cultural Heritages. Already responsible of production in a private chemistry industry. His research interest focuses on degradation of paper materials with particular reference to organic synthesis of new mass-deacidification agents, techniques of consolidation, kinetics of accelerated ageing, FTIR analysis.
 Teaching chemistry of cultural heritage and chemistry of paper restoration. Author of about 13 scientific papers and 2 congress communications.

A. Kachbi
Dr. Abdelmalek Kachbi

 Teaching Chemistry in the Université of Bejaia, Algeria. He graduated from Magister in chemical engineering in 2005 and is in the process of preparing his doctoral thesis. His area of research is: Chemometrics and spectrophotometry.
 Author of some conference presentations and publication about the simultaneous determination of metals by UV visible spectrophotometry using chemometrics methods, on industrial effluents and post-hemodialysis fluids.

W. Kosmus
Prof. Walter Kosmus

 From 1989 associate professor at Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria, Institute for Chemistry, Analytical Division. Principal research field are: environmental analytical chemistry, geochemistry, distribution of elements in nature and the food chain, trace element analysis by Voltammetry, AAS and ICP-MS, analytical chemistry of air pollutants, atmospheric chemistry.
 Author of about 70 papers and communications in international journals and congresses.

GR. Lloyd
Dr. Gavin Rhys Lloyd

 Graduated in 2005 with a BSc in Chemistry at the University of Bristol. He began a funded PhD in Chemometrics at the University of Bristol supervised by Professor Richard Brereton, and has worked on data from several fields including chemistry, forensics, metabolomics and archaeology.
 His interests are pattern recognition, data visualisation and automated methods for the analysis of large and complex datasets.

F. Marini
PhD Federico Marini

 Born in Rome in 1977, dr. Federico Marini received his M.Sc. in Chemistry in 2000 and his Ph.D in Chemical Sciences in 2004 at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", where he is, at present, Research Associate. In 2003, he was visiting researcher at the National Institute of Chemistry (Ljubljana, Slovenia) for 4 months, working with the group of prof. Jure Zupan on the application of artificial neural networks to different chemical problems.
 His research activity is focused on different aspects of chemometrics, with particular attention to the design and setup of new algorithms and to the application of various classification techniques to the authentication of foodstuff.

Dr Alessia Masi

 She is training in archaeobotany at Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale of Sapienza Rome University, where she took either first level or second level degrees in Sciences Applied to the Cultural Heritage, both with full marks and honour (110/110 cum laude). During her first degree training, she developed a research on electronic and optic microscopy diagnostic on canvas painting, for the accomplishment of her second level thesis she worked in Verona, at the DendroData laboratory, carrying out a dendrochronological research on the wooden remains from the foundation of Venezia. She attended a post-graduated course for Coordinators in Cultural Heritage organized by Istituto Luigi Sturzo and Regione Lazio (2207). She won a selection for a first level master on advanced technologies for the knowledge and exploitation of Cultural Heritage.

G. Ortaggi
Prof. Giancarlo Ortaggi

 Full professor at Rome University, La Sapienza. Main research topics are: Studies on synthesis and characterization of DNA ligands and vectors, on G-quadruplex interactive compounds as telomerase inhibitors, on new lipids and liposomes, molecular modeling for drug design. Spectroscopic studies of the interactions between the synthesized ligands and different DNA structures.
 In Environmental Chemistry: new techniques for the characterization of atmospheric particulate matter, detection of PCB-carboxylic acids in seawater, new methods for the inertization of hazardous waste products.

A. Pietrodangelo
PhD Adriana Pietrodangelo

 She received her M.Sc. in Chemistry (2000) and PhD in Analytical Chemistry (2005) at University of Rome "La Sapienza"; doctoral dissertation on the development and validation of a new two-step procedure of chemical fractionation of the airborne particulate matter. Master Degree in Communication of Sciences (2002) at University of Milan "Statale" and in Urban and Indoor Pollution at University of Rome "La Sapienza" (2007). At present she is contract researcher at C.N.R. Institute for Atmospheric Pollution (IIA).
 Research fields: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM-EDX) applied to single-particle analysis of airborne PM; application of statistical methods (PCA, FA, receptor modeling by APCS) to the source identification and apportionment of airborne PM.

C. Pizarro
Prof. Consuelo Pizarro Millán

 Associate professor of Analytical Chemistry and co-director of the "Process Analysis and Chemometrics" research group at University of La Rioja (Logroño, Spain). Expert in Experimental Design and Multivariate data analysis in the field of food chemistry, industrial research and process control.
 Her main research interests include: multivariate data analysis applied to spectrophotometrics and separation techniques; characterisation and food frauds detection by Chemometrics techniques; analysis and control of volatile organic compounds and pesticides in agroalimentary products.

CS. Gonzalez
Dr. Cristina Sáenz González

 Degree in Chemistry at University of La Rioja in July 2005. She get a grant for PhD studies in the research group on "Process Analysis and Chemometrics", directed by Consuelo Pizarro and J.M. González Sáiz, at University of La Rioja in 2007. Her work is focused on the application of Chemometrics in food characterization and food quality assessment.

S. Ridolfi
Dr. Stefano Ridolfi

 Dr. Stefano Ridolfi was born in Rome in 1969. He earned his degree in Physics with a research on Field Portable X Ray Fluorescence Spectrometers and applications in the Cultural Heritage. Since 2001 he manages a company "ARSMENSURAE" devoted to non destructive analysis on the Cultural Heritage with portable systems.
 More updated information about this activity can be found at . In the spare time he plays piano and plays with his wonderful 3 children.

A. Rouhollahi
Prof. Ahmad Rouhollahi

 Associate professor at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. PhD in Analytical Chemistry, 1997. Held many courses on analytical chemistry, electroanalytical chemistry, instrumental analysis, modern methods of instrumental analysis and AAS.
 Main research fields are: fabrication & preparation of potentiometric and amperometric sensors also with novel electrode materials such as Carbon Film Electrodes, using of voltammetric techniques, separation of environmentally hazardous metal ions, chemometrics for simultaneous determination of metal ions in pharmaceuticals and for thermodynamic and kinetic studies. Author of about 30 papers in international journal and same number of presentation in international congress, engaged also in many thesis with students.

ML. Tabasso
Dr. Marisa Laurenzi Tabasso

 Marisa Laurenzi Tabasso was born in Rome, where she got her Degree in Chemistry at La Sapienza University. She was Head of the Laboratory for Testing Materials at the ICR (Istituto Centrale per il Restauro) in Rome from 1975 to 1991. Thereafter she was seconded to ICCROM as the Head of the Programme for Science and Technology. Marisa Laurenzi Tabasso retired in 1999 but continues to teach at La Sapienza University in the Masters course on "Science applied to the diagnosis and conservation of cultural property". She also works as a free-lance consultant.

MJ. Trindade
PhD Maria José Trindade

 PhD in Geoscience (2007) at Aveiro University (Portugal). Pos-doc student in the Cultural Heritage and Sciences Group at Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear (Portugal Nuclear and Technological Institute). Research areas: geochemical and mineralogical studies of geological materials, clay minerals, natural radioactive elements.

L. Trizio
Dr. Livia Trizio

 Was born in Bari on 18th november 1978. She graduated in Chemistry in 2003 at the University of Bari. From 2003 to 2005, she has worked for the University of Bari, dealing with the management of air quality monitoring networks, validation, elaboration and statistical air quality data processing (as the application of receptor models).
 For this year she has been performing the research doctorate in Chemistry Sciences; she is dealing with the application of neural networks to predict the pollutant levels.

V. Virgili
Dr. Vania Virgili

 Degree in "Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation" at University of Rome "La Sapienza" on May 2007, with a thesis about "New Technologies for the study of Castellani jewellery". From 12/2004 to 05/2005, she won the Leonardo da Vinci Scholarship at Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de de France for the study the technologies of Etruscan archaeological jewels belonging to Campana Collection, placed in Musée du Louvre.
 Currently she is a PhD student for Chemical Sciences at La Sapienza and collaborates with the Cultural Heritage Department of National Research Council (Italy).

A. Zarattini
Dr. Annalisa Zarattini

 Underwater operating archaeology core. Superintendency for the archaeological heritage of Lazio. Government employed into Ministry for the Cultural Heritage, Italy.

Rome University, La Sapienza
Mathematical, Physical, Natural Science Faculty
Rome, Italy, Europe
CMA4CH, Multivariate Analysis and Chemometry
for Cultural Heritage and Environment
in the even years of III millennium, 2008
Laurea Degree Course of
Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation
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