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  One of the scopes of the Meeting is make a list of researcher in the field of Meeting itself. So an idea is obtain a list of presenter, authors, participants, member of scientific and organising committee, but in family name alphabetic list with affiliation and work field. In this page you can find: the Scientific Committee, the Organising Committee, the Authors list.

Chairman of Scientific Committee
Prof. Richard G. Brereton

 Chairman. Richard Brereton is Professor of Chemometrics and Director of the Centre for Chemometrics in Bristol (UK). He obtained his BA, MA and PhD from the University of Cambridge (UK). He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, a Chartered Chemist, Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. He was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry's 2006 Theophilus Redwood lectureship. He is author of the book Chemometrics: Data Analysis for the Laboratory and Chemical Plant (Wiley 2003), and author Applied Chemometrics for Scientists (Wiley 2007), and was fortnightly Feature Writer in Chemometrics for the Alchemist and Associate Editor of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. He is Chemometrics editor for Chemistry Central Journal. He has published more then 300 articles, 15 book chapters and 6 edited/authored books. He has given 143 invited lectures in 24 countries worldwide, supervised 117 coworkers in Bristol and acted as referee for over 40 journals.
 His current research interests include pattern recognition in forensics, biology, pharmaceuticals, medicine, environment and plastics using data obtained from chromatography, thermal analysis, acoustic spectroscopy, NMR and mass spectrometry.

A. Montenero
Prof. Angelo Montenero

 A. Montenero is full Professor and appointed Director of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry at Parma University. From 1987 he was appointed President, and still is, the Consortium Research Innovation on Glass, and participate in this consortium at the last research for a new glass starting from ash coming from waste treatment process.
 He is member of Editorial Board of some international journal and member of scientific committee of some international congresses. Was a visiting professor of prestigious institutions as the SUNY College of Ceramics Alfred NY and the Institute of Chemical Research of Kyoto, also part of the Technical Committee TC23 of the International Commission on Glass.
 From many years the knowledge on glass was spent also in study on ancient glass, from composition to degradation, from production to conservation, producing over 160 publications in international journals and holds eight patents on sensors, high refractive index glass, and vitrification of waste from municipal incinerators. .

W. Kosmus
Prof. Walter Kosmus

 Co-Chairman for Environmental. From 1989 associate professor at Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria, Institute for Chemistry, Analytical Division. Principal research field are: environmental analytical chemistry, geochemistry, distribution of elements in nature and the food chain, trace element analysis by Voltammetry, AAS and ICP-MS, analytical chemistry of air pollutants, atmospheric chemistry.
 Author of about 70 papers and communications in international journals and congresses.

BM. Wise
PhD Barry M. Wise

 Co-Chairman for Chemometrics. PhD in Chemical Engineering at University of Washington 1991. President and Co-Founder, Eigenvector Research, Inc., a full service chemometrics research, development, consulting and software company. Author of PLS_Toolbox chemometrics software for use with MATLAB. Dr. Wise has introduced chemometric methods to well over 1000 students in many short courses, attended by both graduate students and employees of corporations small and large, including many Fortune 500 companies.
 In September-November, 2008, Dr. Wise was a Visiting Researcher, at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Automatic Control Laboratory, in Lausanne, Switzerland, where his research focused on methods for updating multivariate calibration models. Author of more then 50 scientific publications and many presentations at international congresses.

Scientific Committee
Prof. Olimpia Arias de Fuentes

 Professor and Senior Researcher of the Institute of Materials Science and Technology, University of Havana, Cuba. Graduated in Physics in 1976 at this University and Ph.D. in Chemistry at Rome University "La Sapienza". Her current research area is focusing on the development of electrochemical sensors and microsensors and its associated instrumentation, for environmental and biomedical application. She has participated/coordinated several national and international scientific projects and published numerous papers in scientific journals and proceedings. She has been referee of international journals and member of scientific committee of some international congresses and visiting professor of the University of Rome and has been invited to give talks in universities of Italy, Germany, Chile and Uruguay.
 She was organizer of the first Iberoamerican Congress on Sensors and Biosensors at the University of Havana in 1998 and founder of the IBERSENSOR, Iberoamerican organization created for the development of sensor technologies over Iberoamerica.

P. Avino
PhD Pasquale Avino

 P. Avino received Master Science in Chemistry in 1992 and PhD in 1997 at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". From 1997 to 1998 he was appointed as Post-graduate Researcher at the University of California, Irvine (USA) studying the separation of non-methane compounds and the halocarbons and their behaviour in atmosphere under the supervision of proff. Rowland and Blake.
 From 1999 until now he has appointed as Researcher at the ISPESL Research Center (Italy). Dr. Avino is involved in the Air Chemical Laboratory: his studies are devoted to the different aspects of the atmospheric pollution in residential and industrial sites. In 2003 he was the recipient of the "Environmental Sapio" Award for his research in the environmental field, in the atmospheric particulate matter.

PhD Marco Calderisi

 Degree in chemistry at Pisa University in 2000. Chemometric consultant since 2002. Expert in Experimental Design and Multivariate data analysis in the field of environmental chemistry, industrial research and process control.
 Actually involved in food industries process control, industrial waste water treatment, metal alloy design and environmental electronic nose measurement.
 Partner of a Siena University (Italy) spin-off project named TerraData Environmetrics. More information on or

J.B. Ghasemi
Prof. Jahan B. Ghasemi

 Today at Chemistry Department, Faculty of Sciences, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, already Professor at Chemistry Department, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran. PhD in Analytical Chemistry on 1995 with a research on thermodynamic and kinetic of complexation. Visiting researcher at University of Delaware, 2006, studying signal denoising algorithms. Main researches are on: thermodynamic and kinetic study of ligands, software applications for refinement of analytical data, interfacing and automation, application of various chemometrics technique. Up today engaged in: investigation of the effects of air pollution on the monument stone in Kermanshah region, analysis of drinking water of many water wells in western of Iran, design and manufacturing an automated analysis system, recycling of the chemical refinery wastes.
 Have about 100 papers published in international journals and about same number of congress participation.

Prof. Giovanni Ettore Gigante

 Full professor of physic at Rome University. He is between the founders of the Italian Archeometry Association and a promoter of the Science and Technologies Courses applied to Cultural Heritage.
 He is at present the "President of the Advice" of Laurea Course in Sciences Applied To Cultural Heritage and Italian National Coordinator of "The College Of The Presidents" of such study courses.
 His scientific interests have been initially in the development of imaging techniques and of spectroscopy for medical jobs, today are tuned principally in Archeometry and in Conservation Of The Cultural Heritage.

B. Giussani
Dr. Barbara Giussani

 Researcher in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Insubria in Como. Her research activity is mainly devoted to the development of new analytical methodologies for analysis of trace metals in different matrices and applied Chemometrics. The acquired expertises gave the opportunity to lead research works in Environmental Sciences, Catalysis, Cultural Heritage and Archaeology.
 An ongoing collaboration with CAMO Process AS for training in statistical analysis has been established.

P. Ielpo
PhD Pierina Ielpo

 She graduated in Chemistry on 1999 at Bari University; PhD degree in "Scienze Ambientali"-Environmental Sciences on 2004. From December 2008 she is researcher, with permanent position, at Water Research Institute (Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque) IRSA-CNR, Bari Division (Italy). From December 2010 she is an external staff scientist researcher at Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Lecce division (Italy).
 Professional Interests: Sampling, chemical characterization, transport processes of fine fractions of particulate matter. Atmospheric pollutants analytical methods development and validation. Application of multivariate statistical methods (PCA, DFA, CA, APCS, TTFA, CMB) to atmospheric and groundwater pollutants for the source apportionment. Black carbon, Organic carbon and Water Soluble Organic Carbon studies both in PM segregated samples and PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 samples, collected in urban/remote areas.

A. Kachbi
Prof. Abdelmalek Kachbi

 Teaching Chemistry in the Université of Bejaia, Algeria. His area of research is: Chemometrics and spectrophotometry.
 Author of some presentations at international conference and publication about the simultaneous determination of metals by UV visible spectrophotometry using chemometrics methods, on industrial effluents and post-hemodialysis fluids.

R. Leardi
PhD Riccardo Leardi

 Riccardo Leardi graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology in 1983. Since then he has been working in the section of Analytic Chemistry of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Food Chemistry and Technology of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Genova. His research field is Chemometrics. His interests are mainly devoted to problems related to food, environmental and clinical data, and to experimental design and process optimization.
 In the last years his research focused mainly on genetic algorithms and on three-way methods.He developed a software for the application of genetic algorithms in variable selection and, in collaboration, a software for the application of backward interval PLS to remove non-relevant spectral regions.
 He is author of about 90 papers and 90 communications in national and international meetings; he has been an invited speaker in 15 international meetings and in several industries and research centers.

F. Marini
PhD Federico Marini

 Born in Rome in 1977, dr. Federico Marini received his M.Sc. in Chemistry in 2000 and his Ph.D in Chemical Sciences in 2004 at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", where he is, at present, Research Associate. In 2003, he was visiting researcher at the National Institute of Chemistry (Ljubljana, Slovenia) for 4 months, working with the group of prof. Jure Zupan on the application of artificial neural networks to different chemical problems.
 His research activity is focused on different aspects of chemometrics, with particular attention to the design and setup of new algorithms and to the application of various classification techniques to the authentication of foodstuff.

M.I. Prudencio
Prof. Maria Isabel Prudêncio

 Full professor in Geology, Aveiro University, Portugal, 2005. Responsible for the Cultural Heritage and Sciences Group at Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear (Portugal Nuclear and Technological Institute).
 Principal fields of research: nuclear methods of analyses and absolute dating by luminescence applied to cultural heritage and earth sciences; trace elements geochemistry; gamma spectrometry; environmental geology.
 Author of about 40 papers in international journals, books and congress presentation.

PhD Maria Pia Sammartino

 Researcher at Rome University, La Sapienza. The research activity was mainly focused on analytical applications of electrochemistry while, actually, it is strongly bound with the didactic activity and regards the application of, mainly, non invasive/non destructive or microinvasive/non destructive analysis of ancient objects of art in Cultural Heritage field.
 The full activity (didactic and scientific) aims to suggest the proper "analytica iter", to be followed approaching a work of art, in order to ensure the maximum information with the minimum damage.

A.M. Salvi
Prof. Anna Maria Salvi

 Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry at University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy. Her scientific activity is centred on the study of surfaces and interfaces by XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) and specialises in the analysis of spectra by curve fitting using a program which was developed in the course of a long-standing collaboration with the University of Surrey, UK (PhD thesis). The XPS laboratory work principally for students courses and applications on environmental issues and on the preservation and restoration of artistic and monumental heritage.
 The prof. Salvi published more then 65 papers (and as many Congress contributions) in the filed of surface analysis and participate to several projects of National and European significance.

Prof. Mauro Tomassetti

 Full professor at Rome University. Research interests are in the development of electrochemical sensors and biosensors working both in aqueous and organic solvents and in their application to environmental, biopharmaceutical and food analysis.
 Also interests are in thermoanalytical studies (TG, DTA, DSC) for the stability or purity control and the characterisation of several materials (drugs, foodstuffs, polymers, ancients, etc.) and in the study and characterisation of archaeological finds and cultural heritages, investigated by means of several instrumental techniques of chemical analysis.
 Have about 300 publications and 450 communications to Congresses, overall in the above recorded fields of research.

App.Prof. Giovanni Visco

 Coordinator of Committees. At present appointed professor in Rome University; in the course "chemistry of environment and of cultural heritage". Already contract professor, and contract researcher, at Chemistry Department, as well as coworker from 1982 for the acquisition, processing, and chemometrics treatment of the analytical and environmental chemist data with the Prof. L. Campanella research group
 As visible in photo engaged in diagnoses on cultural heritage (XVI century frescos, XV century tortoises fountain) and environmental remediation. He is co-author of more than 45 papers on international scientific journals and same number of congress communications.
 Last work is scientific coordinator of a chemometrics training course for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Organising Committee
R. Angeloni
Dr. Riccardo Angeloni

 Graduated in Analytical Chemistry at Rome University "La Sapienza" on October 2012. Author of some congress presentations concerning the analytical use of biosensors for the ethanol determination in alcoholic beverages, today he works as free lance researcher at the Department of Chemistry, at Rome University "La Sapienza".

M. Castrucci
Mauro Castrucci

 To be graduate (laurea magistralis) in Analytical Chemistry at Rome University, La Sapienza. Already author of some congress presentations and publications about degradation of new type of pollutants, drugs and personal care products, with HPOP (High Performance Oxidation Processes).

A. Ceglia
Dr. Andrea Ceglia

 Graduated in "Science Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and Conservation" (first level degree) at Rome University "La Sapienza" on February 2008. He worked at the Institute for New Technologies, Energy and Environment of Rome (ENEA-Casaccia) on a thesis concerning the potentialities of white light profilometry on the study of ancient bronzes.
 On January 2010 he obtained a second level degree presenting a thesis titled "archaeometric study of ancient glass" carried out at the VUB university, Bruxelles.

L. Di Luca
Luigia Di Luca

 Graduating in "Science and technology for the conservation of cultural heritage" at University of Rome "La Sapienza", with a thesis about "Multiparametric Comparison of the Sacred Spring Waters of the Right Side of the Roman Forum by in Field and in Laboratory Chemical Analysis".
 First level's Degree in "Technologies for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage" at University of Calabria (2011), with a thesis about "The use of ceramics as a cover for domes".

M.G. Papa
Maria Grazia Papa

 First level's Degree in Science for International Communication at Catania University. Engaged in: Italian-to-English, Italian-to-French, translation and viceversa, build information on place, forecast, historical, cultural heritage and travel for tourist and accompanying person of the Meeting.

S. Plattner
PhD Susanne Plattner

 Susanne H. Plattner was born in Munich, Germany, in 1977. She moved to Rome, Italy in 1997. From 1997 to 1999 she attended a school for conservators of paintings. In 2003 she finished her first level degree at the University of Rome La Sapienza in "Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation" with a thesis about Digital Detection In Radiography Applied To Cultural Heritage. Her second level degree thesis, in 2006, concerned with composition-related corrosion of archaeological copper alloys of a coin hoard excavated in Fidenae territory.
 Obtain her PhD on Chemical Sciences at La Sapienza with a research interest focused on the corrosion of metals, primary copper alloys. Today contract researcher at La Sapienza university.

D. Quarta
Dr. Donato Quarta

 Graduated in 2010 at Rome University in Course of "Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation". He obtain his first level's degree (2007) in the same Laurea Course at "La Sapienza" University. Already worker as conservation scientist in Ars Mensurae company, today PhD candidate.

M.P. Sammartino
PhD Maria Pia Sammartino

 Researcher at Rome University, La Sapienza. The research activity was mainly focused on analytical applications of electrochemistry while, actually, it is strongly bound with the didactic activity and regards the application of, mainly, non invasive/non destructive or microinvasive/non destructive analysis of ancient objects of art in Cultural Heritage field.
 The full activity (didactic and scientific) aims to suggest the proper "analytica iter", to be followed approaching a work of art, in order to ensure the maximum information with the minimum damage.

App.Prof. Giovanni Visco

 Coordinator of Committees. At present appointed professor in Rome University; in the course "chemistry and chemometrics for environment and cultural heritage". Already contract professor, and contract researcher, at Chemistry Department, as well as coworker from 1982 for the acquisition, processing, and chemometrics treatment of the analytical and environmental chemist data with the Prof. L. Campanella research group
 As visible in photo engaged in diagnoses on cultural heritage (XVI century frescos, XV century tortoises fountain) and environmental remediation. He is co-author of more than 35 papers on international scientific journals and same number of congress communications.
 Last work is scientific coordinator of a chemometrics training course for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Authors list
M.L. Amadori
Dr Maria Letizia Amadori

 M.L. Amadori is a researcher in Environmental and Cultural Heritage chemistry at the University of Urbino, Italy. She teaches Chemistry of Cultural Heritage since 2001 up today and also Chemistry for Restoration from 2005-2011.
 For more than twenty years conducts research related to knowledge of stone, pottery, plaster and painting materials. In the last years his research focused mainly on scientific investigations of renaissance painting, renaissance glazed terracotta and Iranian glazed bricks. She is author and co-author of about 100 papers and 2 books. She is part of the Editorial Board of the Byrsa Journal and International Journal Conservation of Glazed Ceramics, LNEC- Portugal.

L. Angiuli
Dr. Lorenzo Angiuli

 Lorenzo Angiuli was born in Bari on June 28, 1974. He graduated in Chemistry at University of Bari with an experimental thesis in analytical chemistry entitled: "Determination of aromatic pollutants in the Urban Area of Bari".
 In 2002 he began to work at Environmental Agency of Apulian Region. At present he coordinates the Air Quality Office dealing with air pollution monitoring, reporting and QA/QC of monitoring instruments

OH. Barbu
PhD Olimpia Barbu

 PhD in Chemical Sciences at the University of Bucharest, 2004. Researcher at National Museum of Romanian History (MNIR, Bucarest, Romania), Centre of Research and Scientific Investigation.
 Her research activity is focused on non destructive analysis of paintings in Cultural Heritage field.

E. D'Ambrosio
Dr. Ersilia D'Ambrosio

 Ersilia D’Ambrosio took her degree in Environmental Engineering at the Politecnico di Bari. She is Phd student at the Politecnico di Milano, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering - Hydrology, hydraulic construction, water resources and coastal engineering (XXIX cycle). She carries out research activity at Water Research Institute, CNR. Her studies focus on the assessment of river discharge’s spatial-temporal variability, sediment yield and nutrient delivery processes in Mediterranean basins.

A. Detcheva
Prof. Albena Kirilova Detcheva

 From 2007 to present she is Associate Professor at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Graduated in 1985 from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ochridski", Department of Chemistry, obtain the PhD in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry in 2001. Atomic spectrometry, direct solid sampling, hybrid materials, adsorption processes, water purification, chemometrics and metrology in chemistry are her scientific fields.
 From 2004 to 2006 she worked as Detached National Expert at the European Commission, JRC, Institute of Reference Materials and Measurements in Belgium as Project Leader of "Application of total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis to the development of green analytical chemistry in Bulgaria".

L. Drago
L. Drago

 Department of Science of Antiquities, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

P. Fermo
PhD Paola Fermo

 Researcher in Analytical Chemistry since 1999 at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Milan; PhD in Chemistry; Adjunct Professor of Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry from 2001 to 2014; national academic qualification for Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry; coordinator of founded research projects; more than 70 scientific publications on peer reviewed international journals in the field of environmental and analytical chemistry as well as applied physic and archaeometry; 15 conference proceeding; 15 book chapters; about 200 communications in national and international congresses; h index (Scopus)= 18; Citations= about 1100; reviewer of numerous international journals; thesis supervisor of students of the degree course in Chemistry and supervision of PhD students.

MG. Fonseca
PhD Mauricio Guimarães da Fonseca

 Degree in chemistry at Federal Fluminense University in 2000. Phd in Organic Chemistry at Federal Fluminense University with a period at Albert Padwa Laboratory, Emory University, Atlanta, USA in 2004. Researcher project coordinator at Metrology, Quality and Technology National Institute since 2008. Expert in Organic Synthesis and Biofuel in the field of environmental chemistry and energy industrial research. Development of products with higher added value.
 Actually involved in reference biodiesel material, waste recycling and low Pyrolysis energy products. Develop activities as partner of National Technology Institute in the area of spectroscopy and environmental.

FG. France
PhD, MBA, FAIC, Fenella G. France

 Dr. France, Chief of the Preservation Research and Testing Division at the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA, develops non-destructive techniques such as spectral imaging, and focuses on prevention of environmental degradation to collections. She received her Ph.D from Otago University, New Zealand, and was then the research scientist for the Star-Spangled Banner project at the Smithsonian Institution. An international specialist on aging and deterioration of cultural objects, she focuses on links between mechanical properties and chemical changes from environment and treatment protocols.
 Dr. France serves on a range of professional committees for cultural heritage preservation and collaborates with colleagues from academic, cultural, forensic and federal institutions.

F. Frasca
Dr. Francesca Frasca

 Francesca Frasca was born in Subiaco (RM), in April 9th 1990. She reached the Bachelor Degree in Technologies for the preservation and the restoration of Cultural Heritage in October 25th 2012 (110/110 cum laude) and then the Master Degree in Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in October 30th 2014 (110/110 cum laude) from the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

PhD Maja Gajić-Kvaščev

 Graduate physicist at University of Belgrade from 1997. Magister of Science in the field of electrical materials and technology at University of Belgrade from 2003. PhD degree in Material Sciences-University of Belgrade from 2013.
 She was engaged in 9 different national projects (funded by Ministry of Science or Environment) and co-leader of project Development and implementation of 2 novel portable instruments for the analysis of Cultural Heritage: portable scanner XRF and portable XRD, Joint Research Projects of Particular Importance - Section: Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage, in 2 projects founded by IAEA-TC program. In 2007 she was IAEA Fellow in the Chemistry Unit (IAEA, Seibersdorf). For ten years of career she was committed to environmental monitoring and protection activities and in last four years she is the member of archaeometry team in Vinča Institute of nuclear sciences.

A. Genga
Dr. Alessandra Genga

 Dr Alessandra Genga is researcher of Environmental Chemistry and Cultural Heritage Chemistry, in the Faculty of Sciences of Salento University. Her research activity has been articulated on the following thematic of search: study of phisical-chemical parameters in environmental matrix, such as soil, sediment and water; study of ceramic and glass finds in order to define technological and manifacturing aspects and to retrieve provenance and chronology.
 In last years her scientific interest is turned to the study of particulate matter and, expecially, in its chemical-physical and morphological characterization in order to investigate its origin, formation, transport and reactivity.

C. Genova
Chiara Genova

 Chiara Genova was born in Rome in August 1991. Currently she is a student at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome and she is about to graduate in "Science Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation" with a thesis about the deterioration of the plaster of an ancient building located in the city of Cagliari. After the attainment of the first level degree, she would like to continue the studies about the Science Applied on Cultural Heritage, focus on the chemical methods of restoration.

A. Giuseppetti
Dr. Alessandra Giuseppetti

 Graduated with honors in Analytical Chemistry at University of Rome "Sapienza" (2013) with a thesis on "Determination of urinary biomarkers for phthalates exposure using HPLC-MS/MS analysis". Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry (2011) at University of Rome "Tor Vergata" with a thesis on "The use of hydrogels for paper restoration process".

V. Graziani
Dr. Valerio Graziani

 Master degree in "Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage", with a thesis about procedures of statistical and spatial analysis on Phoenician bronze finds in support to the studies of archaeometallurgy in the Western Mediterranean Sea.
 He is currently PhD student at the Department of Foundamental and Applied Sciences for Engineering (SBAI, "La Sapienza" University, Rome).

Z. Haghighi
Dr. Zahra Haghighi

 Zahra Haghighi received a MA degree in conservation of Historic-Cultural properties from Art University of Isfahan, Iran, in 2014 and BA degree in pure chemistry from Shahrood University of Technology, Iran in 2010.
 Her main research interest is in conservation of cultural heritage matters combining the chemical approaches with chemometrics methods.

A. Lo Monaco
Prof. Angela Lo Monaco

 Department of Environmental and Forestry sciences (DAF), Tuscia University, Viterbo, Italy. The research guiding activities can be summarized as follows: wood anatomy, diagnosis and characterization of the lumber; dendrochronological analysis; wood energetic valorisation; "wood culture" diffusion; wood and wood-based panels’ characteristics, and therefore, the quality, have been inquired under the anatomical, xylological, dendrochronological, rheological, and densitometric profiles.
 From 1991, Professor in charge at the Agricolture Faculty and at the master School of Specialization on Defence and Improvement of Historical and Artistical Heritage at Tuscia University. From 1992, member of Italian Institute of Dendrochronology. From 1999 member of the working group on Italian standard “Beni Culturali-Manufatti Lignei” Uni Normal GL20. Author of 56 papers, also in collaboration.

L. Lombardi
Dr. Livia Lombardi

 Livia Lombardi was born in Rome, in November 20th 1989. She reached the Master Degree in Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in October 2013 (110/110 cum laude) from the University of Rome "Sapienza". Since November 2013, she has been a PhD student at the University of Rome "Sapienza".
 She has been developing a project that is focused on new micro-invasive applications of SERS spectroscopy for the identification of organic compounds in polychrome artworks.

M. Manigrasso
Dr. Maurizio Manigrasso

 Researcher at INAIL, Rome, Italy.
 The National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work, is a public non-profit entity safeguarding workers against physical injuries and occupational diseases.

M. Otto
Prof. Matthias Otto

 Matthias Otto is full Professor for Analytical Chemistry at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg in Germany. After his PhD at the University of Leipzig (Germany) he worked as postdoc at Graz University of Technology (Austria) and at the University of Wales in Cardiff (UK). He has been visiting professor at the Vienna University of Technology (Austria) and 1990 at the TU Munich (Germany).
 He has published more than 170 peer-reviewed papers and he is author of the text books Chemometrics (Wiley-VCH), Analytische Chemie (Wiley-VCH) and Analytical Chemistry (Wiley-VCH). At present he is Advisory Board member of the Journal of Chemometrics (Wiley).
 His current research is dedicated to multidimensional separations, plasma atomic emission spectrometry and mass spectrometry including the development of chemometric methods based on multivariate analysis, graph theory, fuzzy sets and neural networks.

C. Pelosi
Dr. Claudia Pelosi

 Researcher in Analytical Chemistry at University of Tuscia, Italy, Department of Cultural Heritage Sciences. The research activity is mainly focused on analytical applications of spectroscopic methods, above all in the field of cultural heritage materials.
 Didactic activity: Diagnostics for cultural heritage in the course LMR/02 (Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage) and Materials Science in the course LM89 (History of Art - Safeguard and Valorization).

R. Reale
Dr. Rita Reale

 Master degree at 2010 in "Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation" at Rome University with a thesis on Corrosion Study of Burried Roman's Coins Using Multivarite Methods obtaining the full voting. Senior restorer with works and consulences on frescoes, ceramics, woods, stones, metals and archaeometrics.
 Today PhD candidate at La sapienza University with a partnership with Vatican City restoration laboratory.
 Co-author of some papers and congress presentations.

S. Ridolfi
Dr. Stefano Ridolfi

 Dr. Stefano Ridolfi was born in Rome in 1969. He earned his degree in Physics with a research on Field Portable X Ray Fluorescence Spectrometers and applications in the Cultural Heritage. Since 2001 he manages a company "ARSMENSURAE" devoted to non destructive analysis on the Cultural Heritage with portable systems.
 More updated information about this activity can be found at . In the spare time he plays piano and plays with his wonderful 3 children.

U. Santamaria
Prof. Ulderico Santamaria

 Director of the Scientific Laboratories of the Vatican Museums, Vatican City, also Professor in the Course Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Finds at La Tuscia University.

E. Scarpellini
Dr Eleonora Scarpellini

 Ph.D Student on Chemical Sciences at University of Rome La Sapienza, 2014. In 2013 she finished her master degree on Physical Chemistry at La Sapienza.
 Actually her research is focused on "experimental characterization of some last generation ionic liquids formed from choline and from an amino acid and their effect on the pretreatment and restoration of aging paper to assess their ability to reinforce cellulose structure".

I. Serafini
Dr Ilaria Serafini

 Ilaria Serafini was born in Rome, in October 6th 1988. In addition to a Master Degree in Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (Major: Chemical-Physics) from "Sapienza" University of Rome in January 2013, (110/110 cum laude).
 Since November 2013, she has been a PhD student at the University of Rome "Sapienza" with a project based on the degradation mechanisms of natural dyes and textiles in historical tapestries and conservation of the same.

C. Silvestri
Claudio Silvestri

 Graduating in Chemistry (first level) with a thesis about "First tentative of characterization of underground spring water in the Roman Bath of Palazzo Valentini in Rome". Specializes his course of study following the branch of analytical chemistry of the restoration of cultural heritage. Rome, Italy.

C. Scatigno
Dr. Claudia Scatigno

 PhD candidate at Rome University, La Sapienza, Department of Earth Sciences - "Applied Sciences for the Environment and Cultural Heritage Protection", Rome, Italy. The research activity is mainly focused on Energic Balance (CFD), study of the environment and stone materials.
From 2004 to present she is restorer of paintings on canvas, panel, wood work polychromatic, fresco paintings and wall paintings.

A. Teneva
PhD Asya Teneva

 Asya Teneva is at present PhD at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She graduated in 2010 Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Faculty of Chemistry, Master’s Degree. Her scientific interests are in the field of analytical chemistry, archaeometry, chemometrics and metrology in chemistry.
 2013-2014 she is working at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry with archaeological glasses found in Bulgaria using Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence.

S.P. Timbus
Dr. Siluan P. Timbus

 Nicula monastery, 407278 Nicula, Cluj County, Romania.

G. Tranfo
PhD Giovanna Tranfo

 Graduate in 1982 in Chemistry from the University of Rome "La Sapienza", she got a Specialization in in Clinical Biochemistry and a Ph.D from the University of Parma. From 1983 to 1993 worked in R&D of pharmaceutical companies. European Registered Toxicologist since April 2008.
 She is Senior Researcher at INAIL Research (ex-ISPESL, the Italian Institute for Occupational Prevention and Safety), where from 1994 she carried out research projects regarding the biological monitoring of human exposure to chemical agents by means of HPLC/MS/MS.

Rome University, La Sapienza
Mathematical, Physical, Natural Science Faculty
Rome, Italy, Europe
CMA4CH 2014, Employ of Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics in Cultural Heritage and Environment Fields
→ in the even years of III millennium ←
Laurea Degree Course of
Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation
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