V Colloquium Chemiometricum Mediterraneum
Ustica (PA), Sicily, Italy, Europe
25-27 June 2003
Dr. Giovanni Visco
from Prof. L. Campanella
Research Group
Italy, Rome University
La Sapienza
Chemistry Department
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Conclusion about water quality

  The comparison of data with those of Porto Nuovo di Ostia, reliable as sampled in the same period (2002, March), evidences for Bagnoli the typical pollution degree of an antrophicized Mediterranean gulf.

  The increasing trend of pollution by heavy metals with the depth, found for all the sampled points, would represent a continuous release from the sediments.

  This advise to avoid the drag fishing, the rebuilding of the beach by bottom sand and any other action involving sediment's moving.

  A careful monitoring of the sediment's stratification can confirm or not this hypothesis.

  A contemporary monitoring along the water columns could be performed by using mussels as bioaccumulators; in such a way a simplified and, as a consequence, a cheaper analytical procedure can be applied and, overall, the precocentration factors are averaged on the period established by the sampling frequency

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