V Colloquium Chemiometricum Mediterraneum
Ustica (PA), Sicily, Italy, Europe
25-27 June 2003
Dr. Giovanni Visco
from Prof. L. Campanella
Research Group
Italy, Rome University
La Sapienza
Chemistry Department
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Geological composition of the site

  Figure shows the very complex geological composition of the site.

  Besides the big dormant volcano, which has remodelled all the territory by layering dusts and ashes in all the area, bradyseism and phenomena of recent volcanism (due to Monte Nuovo Volcano, 1538) has to be considered.

  In the figure the alluvial deposits of the site are described: the yellow deposits of ash of the zone of Agnano, the tuff and the pyroclastic subsident deposits of the Posillipo hill.

  The meteoric washing away of tuff and deposits with low consistency allows the contained metal ions, especially those coming from more soluble salts, to reach the gulf so adding their polluting contribution to the anthropic one.

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