V Colloquium Chemiometricum Mediterraneum
Ustica (PA), Sicily, Italy, Europe
25-27 June 2003
Dr. Giovanni Visco
from Prof. L. Campanella
Research Group
Italy, Rome University
La Sapienza
Chemistry Department
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Ionselective electrodes, NH3 NO3

  Measurements of dissolved NH3 and NO3 were performed on 300 mL aliquot of samples using the Metrhom 6.0506.010 (potentiometric gas-diffusion) and 6.0504.120 (polymeric membrane) electrodes respectively. An Orion EA940 Multi-Channel Benchtop Meter, powered by the on-board supply generator, was used for a simultaneous data acquisition from the two devices.

  Procedures suggested by the producer were followed. A daily calibration was performed just before the measurements.

 Limit Of Detection    NH3     NO3  
 µg/L  17.0 434

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