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probably Chemistry Central Journal publish a Special Issue for CMA4CH 2012 (Volume ?, Issue ?1, Pages xy-xyy, xyxy 2013)


Lectures, contribute for Talk or Poster, Authors names

Opening Lecture  Author  Title
for Opening  Giovanni Visco  Preface with thanks and acknowledgements
for Chemometrics section  Richard G. Brereton  Quantitative Application of Self Organising Maps
for Cultural Heritage section  Giovanni Visco, S.H. Plattner, G. Guida, S. Ridolfi, G.E. Gigante  Daggers, Rings, Axes or Fibulae Have Different Composition? A Multivariate Study on Central Italy Bronzes from Eneolithic to Early Iron Age
for Environment section  Angelo Montenero  Packaging vs Environment
for Theoretical Chemometrics sect.  Federico Marini  Coupling Chemometrics and NIR Spectroscopy for Food and Drug Authentication


Table of received contribute for Talk or Poster

First author, coworkers; affiliation; country
(Authors list)
Title Poster
or Oral
author(s) registr.?
I.G. Hatvani, N. Magyar, P. Tanos, J. Korponai, I.K. Székely, A. Herzig, J. Kovács;
Department of Physical and Applied Geology, Budapest; Department of Limnology, Vienna; Hungary, Austria
 Determining Anthropogenic Effects Using Principal Component Analysis on a Fluvial (E Hungary) and two Lake Ecosystems (W Hungary, W Austria) Oral A Envir. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
A. Krejčová, I. Petrovická, J. Návesník, T. Černohorský, M. Pouzar, J. Jičínská;
Department of Environmental and Chem. Engin., Univertisy of Pardubice; Czech Republic
 Are There Significant Differences in the Quality of "organic" and "conventional" Vegetable? Oral A Envir. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
I.G. Hatvani, M.N. Reskóné, I.K. Székely, P. Tanos, J. Korponai, J. Kovács;
Department of Physical and Applied Geology, Budapest; Department of Limnology, Vienna; Hungary, Austria
 Determining the Temporal Sampling Frequency of Kis-Balaton and the Spatial Sampling Frequency of Lake Velence (W Hungary) Using Variograms Poster A Envir. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
M.P. Sammartino, R. Reale, S.H. Plattner, G. Visco
Department of Chemistry, La Sapienza University, Rome; Italy
 The Old Italian Technical Normative NORMAL 07-81 Can Be Improved? A Possible Accurate Measurement of Water Absorption by Stone Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
L. Saidi-Mansouri, A. Kachbi, O. Kebiche-Senhadji, M. Benamor
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bejaia; Algeria
 Characterization and Stability of CTA-based Polymer Inclusion Membranes Using 2-NPOE as Plasticizer and BMIMPF6 as ionic liquid Oral A Envir. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
M. Gajić Kvaščev, V. Svoboda, R. Jančić Heinemann, M. Dimitrijević, D. Milovanović, S. Polić Radovanović;
University of Belgrade, Central Institute for Conservation in Belgrade; Serbia
 Classification of Neolithic Ceramics and Clays According to Their Morphological Characteristics Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
J. J. González-Vidal, R. Pérez-Pueyo, M. J. Soneira, S. Ruiz-Moreno;
Signal Theory and Communications Department, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona; Spain
 Pattern Recognition Based on Principal Component Analysis in Raman Spectroscopy Applied to Artistic Pigments Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
V.C. Măruţoiu, L.C. Nicolae, O.F. Măruţoiu, I. Bratu, C. Măruţoiu, L. Jäntschi;
Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca; Theological Seminary, Targu-Jiu; INCDTIM; USAMV; Romania
 Painting Materials Analysis of the "Sf. Nicolae" Church-Farcasesti, Gorj, Romania Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
C. Măruţoiu, M. Tecla, O.F. Măruţoiu, I. Bratu, V.C. Măruţoiu, L. Jäntschi;
Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca; Monastery of Polovragi, Gorj; INCDTIM; USAMV; Romania
 Identification of Painting Materials From the Main Church of Polovragi Monastery Poster A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
G.E. Gigante, S. Ridolfi;
Engineering Department, Rome University; Ars Mensurae; Rome, Italy
 Multivariate Analyses as a Necessary Tool to Improve the XRF Data Treatment Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
A.M. Salvi, F.Langerame, T.Gatta, M.P. Sammartino;
Chemistry Department, University of Potenza; Chemistry Department, Rome University; Italy
 Surface Degradation of Indoor Stonework in an Ancient Roman Church: XPS and SEM/EDS Investigation Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
V. Boti, V. Sakkas, T. Albanis;
Chemistry Department, University of Ioannina; Greece
 Measurement Uncertainty of o Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion Analysis Method of Endocrine Disruptors in Different Food Commodities Oral A Envir. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
M. Eremić-Savković, M. Gajić Kvaščev, V. Andrić;
Serbian Institute of Occupational Health, University of Belgrade; Belgrade, Serbia
 Multivariate Analysis of Eight Radionuclides Using the Soil Monitoring Network Data Oral A Envir. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
I. Alfieri, G. Barone, L. Bergamonti, A. Lorenzi, P.P. Lottici, P. Mazzoleni, A. Montenero, S. Pasquale, G. Predieri;
Chemistry Department, Parma University, Geological Science Depart., Catania University; Italy
 Characterization and Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Nanoparticles on Modica and Comiso Stones Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
P. Ielpo, V. Paolillo, G. de Gennaro;
Water Research Institute, National Research Council, Bari; Chemistry department, Bari University; Italy
 Gaseous Pollutants and PM10 Trends from Monitoring Networks in Bari Province: PCA and APCS Applications on Two Years and Half Data Set Oral A Envir. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
S.P. Grapini, A. Baciu, C. Măruţoiu, M. Miclăuş, V.C. Măruţoiu, S. Dreve, I. Kacso, I. Bratu;
National History Museum of Transylvania; U.B.B., Faculty of Orthodox Theology; National Institute for R&D of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies; Romania
 Scientific Investigations of a 16th Century Stall Belonging to the Evangelic Church from Bistrita, Bistrita-Nasaud County, Romania Poster A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
J.B. Ghasemi, S. Pirhadi;
K.N. Toosi University of Tecnology, Chemistry Departemnt; Tehran, Italy
 Molecular Docking, Pharmacophore Modeling, and Virtual Screening for the Discovery of New Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors Poster A Envir. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
A. Baciu, N. Vornicu, C. Bibire;
U.B.B., Orthodox Theology Faculty; Metropolitan Center of Research T.A.B.O.R.; Romania
 XRF and FT-IR Spectroscopy Analysis for Identification of Pigments and Binders Found on Wall Paintings From The Three Hierarchs Church, Iasi Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
P. Avino, G. Capannesi, M. Manigrasso, A. Rosada, M.V. Russo;
DIPIA, INAIL ex-ISPESL, Rome; UTFISST-CATNUC, ENEA Casaccia, Rome; DISTAAM, University of Molise, Campobasso; Italy
 Deep Investigation on Inorganic Fraction of Atmospheric PM in Mediterranean Area by Neutron and Photon Activation Analysis Oral A Envir. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
M. Tomassetti, F. Marini, L. Campanella, A. Coppa;
Dept. of Chemistry, Dept. of Environmental Biology; University of Rome "La Sapienza"; Rome, Italy
 Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP), Thermogravimetric (TG), Derivative Thermogravimetric (DTG) and Chemometric Study of Fossil Bones From an Archaeological Site Poster A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
C. Mazzuca, L. Micheli, F. Marini, M. Bevilacqua, G. Bocchinfuso, G. Palleschi, A. Palleschi;
Department of Chemical Science and Technology, Tor Vergata University; Dept. of Chemistry, La Sapienza University; Rome, Italy
 Multifunctional hydrogels for the cleaning of paper samples Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
D. Ruiu, M. Castrucci, G. Visco, L. Campanella;
Chemistry Department at Sapienza University; Rome, Italy
 Efficiency Evaluation of Different Types of Packaging In The Protection of Three Drugs Using Photostability Tests Poster A Envir. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
M. Marabelli, A. Mannaioli, S. Ridolfi, M.P. Sammartino;
Sapienza University of Rome; ArsMensurae; Rome, Italy
 Diagnostics Applied to an Easel Painting by Ferraù Fenzoni (Cathedral of Todi) Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
M.G. Tortora, G. Guida, M.P. Sammartino;
Chem. Engin. and Materials Department, Aquila University; Superior Institute for Conservation and Restoration (ISCR); Sapienza University of Rome; Italy
 Metallographic, XRF and SEM/EDS Analyses of Probable Roman Surgical Instruments Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
T. Gatta, E. Gregori, F. Marini, M. Tomassetti, G. Visco;
Chemistry Department, University of Rome "La Sapienza"; Rome, Italy
 Different types of Marble Classification Using Thermal Analysis and Chemometry in Order to Identify Provenience Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
L. D'Alessio;
Chemistry Department, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
 Everything is fractal Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
P. Baldassarri;
Provincia di Roma, General Management Office, Rome, Italy
 Palazzo Valentini (Rome, Italy) - Archaeological Investigations and Preservation Oral A Cult.Herit. Abstract accepted
Cover Letter OK
 Unrefereed Long Anstract   
B. M. Wise, J. M. Shaver;
Eigenvector Research Inc., Wenatchee, WA, USA
 On the Interpretability of O-PLS Filtered Models Oral A Chemomet. Abstract unrefereed
A. Caratelli, F. Frasca, G.R. Casale, P. Fortini, A.M. Siani;
Sapienza Universita' di Roma, Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma, Centro di Ricerca sulle Tecnologie per l'Ambiente; Rome, Italy
 Carcer-Tullianum in the Forum Romanum in Rome: a Preliminary Microclimate Investigation Poster A Envir. Abstract unrefereed
102 Author names in alphabetic list, from 12 countries

 T. Albanis, Greece;  I. Alfieri, Italy;  V. Andrić, Serbia;  P. Avino, Italy;  A. Baciu, Romania;  P. Baldassarri, Italy;  G. Barone, Italy;  M. Benamor, Algeria;  L. Bergamonti, Italy;  M. Bevilacqua, Italy;  C. Bibire, Romania;  G. Bocchinfuso, Italy;  V. Boti, Greece;  I. Bratu, Romania;  R.G. Brereton, U.K.;  L. Campanella, Italy;  G. Capannesi, Italy;  A. Caratelli, Italy;  G.R. Casale, Italy;  M. Castrucci, Italy;  A. Coppa, Italy;  T. Černohorský, Czech republic;  L. D'Alessio, Italy;  M. Dimitrijević, Serbia;  S. Dreve, Romania;  P. Fortini, Italy;  F. Frasca, Italy;  J.B. Ghasemi, Iran;  T. Gatta, Italy;  G. de Gennaro, Italy;  G.E. Gigante, Italy;  S.P. Grapini, Romania;  E. Gregori, Italy;  G. Guida, Italy;  I.G. Hatvani, Hungary;  A. Herzig, Austria;  R. Jančić Heinemann, Serbia;  P. Ielpo, Italy;  L. Jäntschi, Romania;  J. Jičínská, Czech republic;  A. Kachbi, Algeria;  I. Kacso, Romania;  J. Korponai, Hungary;  J. Kovács, Hungary;  A. Krejčová, Czech republic;  M. Gajić Kvaščev, Serbia;  A. Lorenzi, Italy;  P.P. Lottici, Italy;  F.Langerame, Italy;  N. Magyar, Hungary;  M. Manigrasso, Italy;  A. Mannaioli, Italy;  L. Saidi-Mansouri, Algeria;  M. Marabelli, Italy;  F. Marini, Italy;  C. Măruţoiu, Romania;  O.F. Măruţoiu, Romania;  V.C. Măruţoiu, Romania;  P. Mazzoleni, Italy;  C. Mazzuca, Italy;  L. Micheli, Italy;  M. Miclăuş, Romania;  D. Milovanović, Serbia;  A. Montenero, Italy;  S. Ruiz-Moreno, Spain;  J. Návesník, Czech republic;  L.C. Nicolae, Romania;  A. Palleschi, Italy;  G. Palleschi, Italy;  V. Paolillo, Italy;  S. Pasquale, Italy;  I. Petrovická, Czech republic;  S. Pirhadi, Iran;  S.H. Plattner, Italy;  M. Pouzar, Czech republic;  S. Polić Radovanović, Serbia;  G. Predieri, Italy;  R. Pérez-Pueyo, Spain;  R. Reale, Italy;  M.N. Reskóné, Hungary;  S. Ridolfi, Italy;  A. Rosada, Italy;  D. Ruiu, Italy;  M.V. Russo, Italy;  V. Sakkas, Greece;  A.M. Salvi, Italy;  M.P. Sammartino, Italy;  M. Eremić-Savković, Serbia;  O. Kebiche-Senhadji, Algeria;  J.M. Shaver, U.S.A.;  A.M. Siani, Italy;  M.J. Soneira, Spain;  V. Svoboda, Serbia;  I.K. Székely, Hungary;  P. Tanos, Hungary;  M. Tecla, Romania;  M. Tomassetti, Italy;  M.G. Tortora, Italy;  J. J. González-Vidal, Spain;  G. Visco, Italy;  N. Vornicu, Romania;  B.M. Wise, U.S.A.;

Rome University, La Sapienza: Mathematical, Physical, Natural Science Faculty: Rome, Italy, Europe
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CMA4CH, Use of Multivariate Analysis and Chemometry in Cultural Heritage and Environment
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