4^ Mediterranean Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry
Portoroz, Slovenia
15-20 September 2002
Dr. Giovanni Visco
from Prof. L. Campanella
Research Group
Rome University
La Sapienza
Chemistry Department
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Total Organic Carbon, the measure of organic carbon present in a solution by its conversion to CO2
Photocatalytic system
A system with catalyst, reactor, light source, reaction parameters, activation method to obtain a very slow reaction in an usable time
CO2 electrode
A potentiometric electrode to measure the CO2 concentration in water. The tipycal ranges is from 1e-5 to 1e-2 mol/L
From Rofin (Australia); a ligth system, with up to 2 meter of optical fiber, able to produce a "solar-spectra" or by aid of internal filters, a lot of reduced spectre
PCA, scores, catalyses
Principal Component Analysis, a chemometric method based on eigenvalues able to obtain a rappresentation of "objects" in a reduce number of variables, the PC. The scores are the "objects-projection" in the PC space
PCA, loading molecules
See also the previous description. The loadings are the "variables-projection" in the PC space
Catalytic system
A system with catalyst, reactor, use parameters, procedures to encrease the velocity of a chemical reaction
TiO2, nanoparticles
Titanium dioxide in a very fine powder, the typical diameter of particles is a few nanometer (1e-9 meter)
Reactor, measurement cell
In our case is a glass cell with inlet, outlet, quartz window, hole to insert the CO2 electrode, two gooch filter to maintain the catalyst inside. With UV light in this cell obtain photodegradation of organic molecules in water solution
UV radiation
Ultraviolet radiation, a spectre of light radiaton after visible. The wavelength start at 100 nm up to 400 nm near violet light
A degradation of organic molecules with light.
A cracking of organic molecules
Suspended catalyst
Immobilised catalyst
Variation study of one parameter (response, analytic concentration, egg.) versus flow time
Representative molecules
An Analytical Chemistry method using "statistic instruments" to perform separations or individuation. We are performing chemometric calculations using analytes as variables and catalyses as objects.
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