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Logo and Paper for the 7th Edition

logo2018 Elaboration of Tarquinia's frescos: Tomba dei Baccanti. Add the graph of vibration response of an object after a sonic impulse, often used to find cracks.
linen yellow Designed by the Meeting Coordinator, after a digitalisation of real linen cloth, freeware but with citation
tomba baccanti On the left the photo from Pinterest (by F. Dalla Gata, 2012) of original Frescos, dated 400bC, inside the Baccanti's Tomb.
Etruscans and greeks paint more on "human interactions": as this Kyliz painted by Triptolemos in 470 bC today at Getty Conservation.
See also the red-figures attic kyliz (480 bC) today at Florence, National Archaeological Museum, code no. 3921.
right tomba fustigazione, photo of sovrintendenza After the restoration a photo of Tomba Fustigazione, from Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell'Etruria Meridionale of the right corner of the tomb.
Rome University, La Sapienza
Mathematical, Physical, Natural Science Faculty
Rome, Italy, Europe
CMA4CH, Application of Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics to Environment and Cultural Heritage
→ in the even years of III millennium ←
Laurea Degree Course of
Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation
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